finasteride and pe**s size


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Haha no worries. I've learned my lesson - no more sarcastic posts since sarcasm doesn't always translate well over the Internet.


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Yeah, right. That happened.

This is one of the most ridiculous myths about finasteride. There have been tens of thousands of men involved in long-term placebo controlled studies done on this drug, and I have never once seen a complaint that their penises shrunk in length. Don't you think a person would report this to their doctor if they were involved in a study?

This doesn't happen. Ever. If your penis loses a number of inches in length, you've got some other serious problems going on.
I'm sorry but this comment is rubbish. The studies you mention don't screen for penile shrinkage. If a patient reports it, it would go under the sexual adverse event "erectile dysfunction." Erectile Dysfunction after all, a form of penile shrinkage. These trial don't screen for such specific events.

Google "penile shrinkage" and what's the one of the first recommendations to narrow down the search?

Sorry, penile shrinkage and finasteride is not a myth. But likely very rare.


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since starting finasteride i've grown a vagina on my scalp and nipples on my buttcheeks


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That's the one negative I've noticed since being on finasteride. My dick went from a solid 7 inches to about 4 when erect. But that's the price of a good head of hair I guess.
not sure if srs. my dick is ~7inches and when I took finasteride/propecia I couldn't stop having sex. my dick was in the greatest shape of its life. I was having marathon sex (sex lasting more than 45 minutes) I would orgasm numerous times but I would recover under 2 minutes.


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I said a couple of posts after that one that I was being very sarcastic. I've had nothing but positive sexual side effects from finasteride.


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not sure if srs. my dick is ~7inches and when I took finasteride/propecia I couldn't stop having sex. my dick was in the greatest shape of its life. I was having marathon sex (sex lasting more than 45 minutes) I would orgasm numerous times but I would recover under 2 minutes.

Seriously I was the same way for a while. Then overnight the sides hit me like an anvil. Complete reversal.
Why did you stop taking the finasteride?


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Seriously I was the same way for a while. Then overnight the sides hit me like an anvil. Complete reversal.
Why did you stop taking the finasteride?

How long were you on finasteride before the negative sides hit you?


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If something isn't right with your peewee, just Kegel first. That pretty much takes care of most d**k problems except the ones that require surgery. And even if surgery is required,..well sorry Doctor - ain't no man goin' that route with me.