Finasteride And Ostarine A Good Combo?


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My hair loss started about 1 year ago. I’m 19 now and have some recession in the temples. I am about to buy finasteride. I was just wondering if I can also use the SARM ostarine in order to gain some lean muscle. I don’t want it to interfere with my hair. Thanks.


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Ostarine is most likely fine for hair, but unfortunately there is no research at this time out to say if it activates hair follicle ARs (even to a small degree) with the dosages normally taken for fitness.

While it is probably okay, it is just not known.


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Ostarine is most likely fine for hair, but unfortunately there is no research at this time out to say if it activates hair follicle ARs (even to a small degree) with the dosages normally taken for fitness.

While it is probably okay, it is just not known.

Thanks I’m going to try it. The more I read about it it’s starting to seem that if anything the Osterine helps hair regrowth. The thing I can’t find and am curious about is what happens when you take ostarine and finasteride at the same time.


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My mother has a big problem with the hair. She loses her hair almost every day. Doctors prescribed her to use different pills, but it didn`t work. A lot of people told her that the problem was the shampoo. Others told her the problem is less calcium in the organism. I recommended her to try because I know a lot of friends who used this website in the past, and they are very delighted with the results. After she gave it a try, her hair was strong and beautiful. She hasn`t had any hair problems since then. I recommend this website with all my pleasure.
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