Finasteride Alternatives (had To Quit After 18 Months)


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Long story short I had to stop Finasteride after 18 months as developed actual gyno on one side (im 30 so maybe my natural test has dropped too low who knows).

It is so gutting that for the majority of that time hair improved and my DHT itch and scalp issues pretty much cleared up completely while I was on it but when I stopped it slowly returned and the memories of how bad it had been came back.

So I am looking for alternative as my hair is shedding more now as I expected and can tell that hair is thinning out again. And need to cure this tight, itchy, oily scalp.

Options I am looking at:

Minoxidil - Never used this and worried about it ruining hairline rather than improving (horror stories)

Morr F - minoxodil/finasteride combo - long shot but hoping that I won’t get the swollen breasts and gyno with topical finasteride?

Saw Palmetto - understand much weaker, but just to ease the DHT itch and improve scalp condition like finasteride did

Nizoral - Still not using much, feel its too drying sometimes, maybe mix with a good conditioner?

Any help and advice would be great. Morale is definitely at a low point now I am losing ground all over again!
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dan sorry for your story. honestly im new too lurking around trying to find my cure in here so can you tell me why did you stop it exactly ? i tried to search for word gyno but couldn't understand what that is.


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dan sorry for your story. honestly im new too lurking around trying to find my cure in here so can you tell me why did you stop it exactly ? i tried to search for word gyno but couldn't understand what that is.

Gynecomastia - basically enlarged/swollen male breast tissue. I was on finasteride for 18 months absolutely fine and then started to get it. Quit for a while then tried again but literally started again straight away.

My advice is give Finasteride a go, once you are on it a while you forget about sides and it is effective at maintaining and thickening hair. Just keep an eye on your body.

To every one else: Any advice on the above post?
I am definitely considering trying Minoxodil for the first time, the reason I didnt before as it requires a much higher level of commitment than popping a tablet every day. I style my hair with products pretty much every day just to feel more confident going out so I also think it might interfere with that.


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No propecia pretty much means game is lost.... you can try rogaine it could give you a couple years


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No propecia pretty much means game is lost.... you can try rogaine it could give you a couple years

I have read this alot... but then I have read about people using it or 5 to 10 years or more and seem sure that it helped them at least maintain?


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Nolvadex works well for gyno.
Theres nothing to replace finasteride with. You could try oral minoxidil which can give great growth but obviously your hair will still fall out with no AA.


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Without finasteride it will be difficult. You could try a low dose of oral minoxidil. I'm using oral minoxidil at 2.5mg a day, which I consider a reasonably safe low dose. You could also look into using a topical antiandrogen. The best of these is probably CB-03-01, which has some good research backing. Topical finasteride is another option, but it is not as effective as oral finasteride. And you should definitely use a ketoconazole shampoo. There are ones that have moisturising properties and are less harsh than Nizoral. A good one is Regenepure DR.


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Nolvadex works well for gyno.
Theres nothing to replace finasteride with. You could try oral minoxidil which can give great growth but obviously your hair will still fall out with no AA.

This is something I have considered to use with Finasteride but only seems worth it if it can be used indefinitely? Which sounds like a bad idea considering how powerful the AIs and SERMs sound?

Does anyone have any experience long term on Nolvadex/Tamoxifen with finasteride, not just to cure a case of gyno?


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Without finasteride it will be difficult. You could try a low dose of oral minoxidil. I'm using oral minoxidil at 2.5mg a day, which I consider a reasonably safe low dose. You could also look into using a topical antiandrogen. The best of these is probably CB-03-01, which has some good research backing. Topical finasteride is another option, but it is not as effective as oral finasteride. And you should definitely use a ketoconazole shampoo. There are ones that have moisturising properties and are less harsh than Nizoral. A good one is Regenepure DR.

Thanks, will take a look at Regenepure.

Have heard of oral minoxidil but sides look a little dangerous? Does it work for you, and why not topical minoxidil?

I looked into topical finasteride but seems to give people sides as well, and the only place that do it are the Pharmacie Parati (Im in the UK) and cant find any results of that actually working for anyone without sides...


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You can get topical finasteride on minoxidil max.
Topical minoxidil only works if you have a certain enzyme in your body which lots of people don't, with oral you don't have this issue. But yeah try the topical first and see how it is for you.


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Minoxidil can buy you a few years so I would consider starting that. Add in nizoral shamooo for a start. Then you need something to tackle the DHT but really the only proven thing is finasteride 1MG. There are experimental treatments which you can use at your own risk like RU which some users claim work.

Other options are to consider a long term strategy with a surgeon to have FUE but without Finasteride things are definitely not as easy. Don’t worry though as many people have been in this situation.

Oral minoxidil has given results but cannot personally be recommended.



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Minoxidil can buy you a few years so I would consider starting that. Add in nizoral shamooo for a start. Then you need something to tackle the DHT but really the only proven thing is finasteride 1MG. There are experimental treatments which you can use at your own risk like RU which some users claim work.

Other options are to consider a long term strategy with a surgeon to have FUE but without Finasteride things are definitely not as easy. Don’t worry though as many people have been in this situation.

Oral minoxidil has given results but cannot personally be recommended.


FUE is the route I am probably destined to head anyway, but agreed I have researched alot and having a preventative (such as finasteride) is highly recommended if you have a transplant, to maintain the native hair.

Would minoxidil work as the preventative after FUE should I be a decent responder? As mentioned before alot of people seem to maintain with it for many years?


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FUE is the route I am probably destined to head anyway, but agreed I have researched alot and having a preventative (such as finasteride) is highly recommended if you have a transplant, to maintain the native hair.

Would minoxidil work as the preventative after FUE should I be a decent responder? As mentioned before alot of people seem to maintain with it for many years?

Realistically it is unlikely minoxidil alone will hold your hair for years. some individuals are able to but most wont in my opinion. Perhaps topical finasteride can be considered at your own risk. Either way you still have options to deal with this. There is light at the end of the tunnel.



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Realistically it is unlikely minoxidil alone will hold your hair for years. some individuals are able to but most wont in my opinion. Perhaps topical finasteride can be considered at your own risk. Either way you still have options to deal with this. There is light at the end of the tunnel.


Thank you for this. Regarding topical finasteride, its something I would like to give a go (will know pretty soon If I am getting side effects).

Are there any available in the UK that I can try, or perhaps the Morr F Minoxidil and finasteride topical could be worth a go?

Im a little bit against the experimental treatments like RU so would like to avoid those.


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I would personally agree with not trying RU as it’s untested and you never know what side effects it might cause. I was considering using it as well as it does show promise but it was too unknown.

Topical finasteride can be considered. Studies seem to differ on whether it’s effective or not but since oral Finasteride 1MG is not an option it’s the closest thing to it.

Im the probably not the best person to ask in terms of it where to get it as I have never bought it myself. I’m sure others will be able to help you.

There was another topical treatment called fluridil I believe. You might want to investigate that but from what I remember it was quite pricy.
