Finasteride 1mg for 1.5 years still shedding 100-200 hairs everyday


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Hey guys I've been on finasteride 1mg for 1.5 years now and my shedding has not stopped. I kept going because I know for some odd cases it takes a while before seeing results. Is it time for me to hop on dutasteride or should I maybe ride another 6 months. I dont mind buzzing my head but would prefer to keep my hair obviously. Anyway hope someone has answers or has experienced improvement after the 1.5 year mark. How long did it take you to see finasteride results? Thanks guys!


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Hey guys I've been on finasteride 1mg for 1.5 years now and my shedding has not stopped. I kept going because I know for some odd cases it takes a while before seeing results. Is it time for me to hop on dutasteride or should I maybe ride another 6 months. I dont mind buzzing my head but would prefer to keep my hair obviously. Anyway hope someone has answers or has experienced improvement after the 1.5 year mark. How long did it take you to see finasteride results? Thanks guys!

1.5 years is long enough, i'd say it's time to jump on dutasteride.


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Yes should take about 3-4 months to kick in, hope duta works for you though i'm pretty sure its the same thing just stronger so not sure how that will help. Are you sure the finasteride didn't slow down your hair loss at all? It's not common for it not to work.


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I don’t get why some on this forum thinks shedding equals baldness? If that was true my girlfriend would of been bald in a month, clogs the shower all the time. If the hair you shed comes back more miniaturised then yes it’s male pattern baldness the only way to check this is to notice the exact spot a hair shed from, wait till it grows back and then check the thickness of that new hair compared to the old lol. It’s normal to shed for many reasons, seasonal changes, stress, hormonal changes, medication can all cause shed some people just naturally shed way more than others but they have a high regrowth rate too
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What’s your diet like?


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Try an antiandrogen like RU or etc. Perhaps estrogen too. You should try minoxidil if you haven't.


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I don’t get why some on this forum thinks shedding equals baldness? If that was true my girlfriend would of been bald in a month, clogs the shower all the time. If the hair you shed comes back more miniaturised then yes it’s male pattern baldness the only way to check this is to notice the exact spot a hair shed from, wait till it grows back and then check the thickness of that new hair compared to the old lol. It’s normal to shed for many reasons, seasonal changes, stress, hormonal changes, medication can all cause shed some people just naturally shed way more than others but they have a high regrowth rate too
Shedding is a problem if the hair keeps growing thinner and thinner. Not only that, if you don't see any improvement, regardless of the natural shedding cycle, its best to change the regimin. 1.5 years and still not seeing a bit of improvement is a red flag.