Finasteride 0.05mg


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I have a question thats been bugging me so I thought I'd get some opinions on it. People seem to think microdosing on oral finasteride will reduce the chances of sides. They may be right but:
If Finasteride at 0.05mg reduces a similar amount of DHT to say 1mg or 5mg as a study I was looking at suggests then wouldn't you recieve the same amount of sides or am I completely missing something?


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CAREFUL! You're using logic and common sense!! :)

For years and years, I've always wondered why guys on hairloss sites always have the following opinion: as a finasteride dose is slowly reduced to lower and lower levels, why do they always assume that it goes from an occurrence of side effects to no side effects at all, while the desired effects (a suppression in hair loss) stay about the same? I think it's just as likely for the opposite of that to occur.


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Because 5a reductase is an enzyme involved in much much more than simply catalysing T to DHT...

The 5a reduction of other important neurosteroids may not be affected as much by lower doses of finasteride.

Many drugs can have quite significantly different effects at different doses - it is not always a case of there being a linear dose/physiological response...

Mirtazipine for example is more likely to cause drowsiness/somnolence at a low dose of 15mg than it is at 30mg, this is the case for many people....

GHB generally elicits an excitatory response at lower doses as the GHB receptor is agonized and at higher doses the inhibitory GABAergic system is affected causing sleep....

Incidentally I started using finasteride again and it is at a dose of 0.05-0.1mg/day. Dissolved in vodka at a concentration of 0.2mg/ml....



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berserker69 said:
Because 5a reductase is an enzyme involved in much much more than simply catalysing T to DHT...

The 5a reduction of other important neurosteroids may not be affected as much by lower doses of finasteride.

Many drugs can have quite significantly different effects at different doses - it is not always a case of there being a linear dose/physiological response...

Mirtazipine for example is more likely to cause drowsiness/somnolence at a low dose of 15mg than it is at 30mg, this is the case for many people....

GHB generally elicits an excitatory response at lower doses as the GHB receptor is agonized and at higher doses the inhibitory GABAergic system is affected causing sleep....

Incidentally I started using finasteride again and it is at a dose of 0.05-0.1mg/day. Dissolved in vodka at a concentration of 0.2mg/ml....


Would you please post a journal of your progress with this? I am very interested in doing something similar.


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berserker69 said:
The 5a reduction of other important neurosteroids may not be affected as much by lower doses of finasteride.

Hasn’t this theory basically been debunked? Only 5AR Type 1 is found in the brain, not type 2 (which is what finasteride inhibits). Circulating levels of neurosteroids such as allopregnanolone may be decreased, but I haven’t seen any human evidence that these levels are actually lowered in the brain.

Nobody knows why finasteride causes sexual side effects. Certainly, these are the most prominent side effects experienced during controlled studies, and it doesn’t make sense that if neurosteroids levels were lowered in the brain, that the only side effects would be decreased libido and ED (not counting the rare cases where people have more serious side effects).

I don’t believe neurosteroids levels have much if anything to do with sides. DHT itself has little to nothing to do with sexual maintenance in adult males, but I believe the slight raise in estrogen may be enough to cause sexual problems in around 2% of men, likely because they already had borderline high levels to start with, or because of their genetics, they are more sensitive to hormonal chanes.

If by micro dosing, you are lowering DHT by say 25% instead of 65%, then you will likely have a lower chance of side effects but also a lowered therapeutic effect.


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Wuffer said:
If by micro dosing, you are lowering DHT by say 25% instead of 65%, then you will likely have a lower chance of side effects but also a lowered therapeutic effect.

I'd happily microdose if i knew that it would only lower dht by 25% and in addition provide a benefit to my hair albeit a lesser benefit than the full dose. Problem is knowing how to do this and if it would work.

It kinda p*sses me off that more research isn't available on this (dht levels) and the benefits at a microdose. I wish the FDA and drug companies would understand that some people might not want 'all or nothing'. It would be great to be able to compromise.

On another said that DHT has little or nothing to do with sexual maintenance - I read something that really worried me the other day - it was a guy on one of these forums who had said he'd been advised by his urologist to finish finasteride when he got sexual side effects and pain 'down below' - his urologist had told him that it was quite common to see long term finasteride users have scar tissue of the penis and wanted to check for that.

Why would this be the case? That really scared me. I'm young and finasteride is a life long commitment - I don't wanna ed up with scar tissue or peyrionnes disease in ten years time just because i was vain about my hair. I can only assume this is 'relatively common' because apparaently DHT is beneficial to the health of all male soft tissue except the muscles themselves where supposedly it is only testosterone used.


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Consider this:

Possibly DHT works just like your body when it is cold, the colder you become the more your blood moves from the extremities to the vital organs because they are most important to keeping you alive. With that being said maybe the new limited supply of DHT after you take the finasteride has to decide what is most important. Since the DHT receptors in your scalp are not that vital to your survival they go first or second or whatever then a little later down the road is sexual fuction, a more vital function. Lower your dose to .5mg it could be possible that with more DHT your body will be able to now use that for sexual fuction but still not have enough for the receptors in your scalp, thus reducing sides but still keeping the hair issue in check.

Not a doctor, not a hairloss expert, not anything relly, just a guy with a hairloss problem using basic logic. Maybe I am wrong Maybe I am not, but reguardless people chew on this let me know what you think I know your out there so lets team up and try to use basic knowledge to figure some s**t out.


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GaryTheIII said:
Consider this:

Possibly DHT works just like your body when it is cold, the colder you become the more your blood moves from the extremities to the vital organs because they are most important to keeping you alive. With that being said maybe the new limited supply of DHT after you take the finasteride has to decide what is most important. Since the DHT receptors in your scalp are not that vital to your survival they go first or second or whatever then a little later down the road is sexual fuction, a more vital function. Lower your dose to .5mg it could be possible that with more DHT your body will be able to now use that for sexual fuction but still not have enough for the receptors in your scalp, thus reducing sides but still keeping the hair issue in check.

Not a doctor, not a hairloss expert, not anything relly, just a guy with a hairloss problem using basic logic. Maybe I am wrong Maybe I am not, but reguardless people chew on this let me know what you think I know your out there so lets team up and try to use basic knowledge to figure some s**t out.

but supposedly 0.05mg lowers only a very similar amount of dht to 1mg. That evidence comes from one study that i have seen done by a doctor who wrote to the FDA asking why the recommended dose wasn't therefore reduced. It would be interesting to see if other studies support this study that very small does of finasteride lower DHT by the same amount as 1mg.

Anybody got any??

Also, can someone answer me - if finasteride blocks AR2 and this is typically only found in the scalp and prostate, then why does blood DHT become lowered so much???


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gh05 said:
but supposedly 0.05mg lowers only a very similar amount of dht to 1mg. That evidence comes from one study that i have seen done by a doctor who wrote to the FDA asking why the recommended dose wasn't therefore reduced. It would be interesting to see if other studies support this study that very small does of finasteride lower DHT by the same amount as 1mg.

Anybody got any??

Sure! There are lots of studies showing the relatively "flat" dose-response curve of finasteride. I wouldn't go quite so far as to say that "0.05 mg lowers only a very similar amount of DHT to 1 mg", but you've got the general idea.

gh05 said:
Also, can someone answer me - if finasteride blocks AR2 and this is typically only found in the scalp and prostate, then why does blood DHT become lowered so much???

Because blood DHT COMES from those sources! You lower DHT production in the scalp and prostate (and other places), and you AUTOMATICALLY lower the amount that "leaks" into the blood.


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gh05 said:
GaryTheIII said:
Consider this:

Possibly DHT works just like your body when it is cold, the colder you become the more your blood moves from the extremities to the vital organs because they are most important to keeping you alive. With that being said maybe the new limited supply of DHT after you take the finasteride has to decide what is most important. Since the DHT receptors in your scalp are not that vital to your survival they go first or second or whatever then a little later down the road is sexual fuction, a more vital function. Lower your dose to .5mg it could be possible that with more DHT your body will be able to now use that for sexual fuction but still not have enough for the receptors in your scalp, thus reducing sides but still keeping the hair issue in check.

Not a doctor, not a hairloss expert, not anything relly, just a guy with a hairloss problem using basic logic. Maybe I am wrong Maybe I am not, but reguardless people chew on this let me know what you think I know your out there so lets team up and try to use basic knowledge to figure some s**t out.

but supposedly 0.05mg lowers only a very similar amount of dht to 1mg. That evidence comes from one study that i have seen done by a doctor who wrote to the FDA asking why the recommended dose wasn't therefore reduced. It would be interesting to see if other studies support this study that very small does of finasteride lower DHT by the same amount as 1mg.

Anybody got any??

Also, can someone answer me - if finasteride blocks AR2 and this is typically only found in the scalp and prostate, then why does blood DHT become lowered so much???

Because it is ingested and spread evenly though the body prostate and scalp (if your lucky) are effected by it because DHT effects those two areas.