Finally, I've found a legit cheap generic alternative to Nizoral; its called Sebizole


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Sebizole by Douglas Pharmaceuticals is a cheaper ketoconazole shampoo than Nizoral. this Douglas Pharmaceuticals is about as legit as it gets...had sales of $145 mill last year and makes all kind of prescription drugs. They're the biggest pharma company in New Zealand which isn't exactly a backwards country (per capita income $28,850). The guy who started it was even knighted:

They were recently approved to sell prescription drugs in U.S. by the FDA:

The U.S. consumes half the world's prescription drugs so everyone wants to get in on this market but companies have a hard time doing so apparently because regulation is strict here.

If you buy from this website 3 bottles comes to $63 for 600 ml of 2% ketoconazole shampoo including shipping (free over $50):

Whereas nizoral is selling for $20 per 100 ml atm if you can even get it as availability is limited atm (

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lulz of course after using the search function I see that sebizole is well known time I'll do the search first then make the thread :sulkoff:


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Are you combining this with anything else?

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Also, what is the difference between that and this?

It's $58 shipped for 3 (100ml) bottles of the brand name Nizoral shampoo?


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Are you combining this with anything else?
Basically I use finasteride plus a bunch of dandruff shampoos

this is a long read where I tell my story...not necessary for you to read but its a very good thread imo:

Also, what is the difference between that and this?

It's $58 shipped for 3 (100ml) bottles of the brand name Nizoral shampoo?

Nothing but the price as far as I can tell...$58 for 300 ml of 2% keto shampoo or $63 for 600 ml of 2% keto shampoo.


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Thanks for that post.Can you tell me how long 100ml of Nizoral will last you with showers? It looks like it would take a little less than 400ml to equal a can of soda?

I'm also concerned how much I'm going to shed (in addition to the rogaine shed) when I start taking finasteride? Any experience there?


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Thanks for that post.Can you tell me how long 100ml of Nizoral will last you with showers? It looks like it would take a little less than 400ml to equal a can of soda?

I'm also concerned how much I'm going to shed (in addition to the rogaine shed) when I start taking finasteride? Any experience there?

I have long hair but people say 100 ml of nizoral can last 6-9 months for people with short hair. People use a generic cheap shampoo first to get the dirt and oil out of their hair, rinse it out and then put in the nizoral that way it lathers better and they can use less. Keep in mind though that what you're trying to do is apply ketoconazole to the scalp so if you use too little your scalp won't absorb/get as much of the active ingredient. In other words I read people saying they only use a pea amount...well then you're only giving yourself a very small dose of keto. As for the finasteride shed I don't really know I started it like 10 yrs ago and didn't really pay too close attention at the time.


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Thanks, that gives me an idea and I wouldn't have known to use regular shampoo first ... I'll be a little more generous with it as it isn't that expensive, but if 100ml last's 6 months that's awesome!

What regular shampoo are you using with it?


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Thanks, that gives me an idea and I wouldn't have known to use regular shampoo first ... I'll be a little more generous with it as it isn't that expensive, but if 100ml last's 6 months that's awesome!

What regular shampoo are you using with it?

I get this for like $2 at Publix:

In the hair loss studies they all mention how they used the keto shampoo and it was generally 2-3x week and leave it on their scalp for 3-5 most people just put it in when they get in the shower then rinse it out when they are done showering. If you look at the graph in the 21 month study they did (here's a link to some studies including that one: it got best results from 6-15 months so stick with it for a while to see best results:


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To be clear that graph shows percentage of hairs in anagen (growth) phase multiplied by individual hair thickness...its not an actual hair count graph. The black received keto and the white received placebo


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They sent me 6 bottles! I checked my bank account and it still says I was charged $63 so 1200 ml of keto shampoo for $63! Thats ~ 5 bucks per 100 ml.