FEVERFEW? Who is using it on this board..

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Since Feverfew is the main component of Inflamil from lipoxidil.com and works great for scalp inflamation.
I wondered whether it would be a good idea to mix it with minoxidil.
There was a lot of talk about Feverfew on various boards like 6 months ago but it's not been mentioned since.
Does anyone here use this stuff?


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Why is it jimmy that if anyone mentions a product here, you immediately assume assume that he has a financial connection to the product? Spam happens, but not nearly as often as you suspect, it seems to me.


Experienced Member
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mvpsoft, me thinks that either jimmystanley IS a sales rep (as those who scream the loudest against something have the challenge themselves) or he's very edgy about salemen because he once was one and is VERY leery about anything sales related. I opt for the second:)
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you are weird! dude, I was asking whether it's a good idea to add Feverfew(which u can get everywhere) to minoxidil, instead of buying Inflamil.
Does this sound like I am pushing for that product? geezzz