Feel Like My Hair Is Thinning But Doesn’t Seem To Be In A Pattern...


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Have a look around for a compunding phara. The hair place you went to should be able to give you a perscription.

The tables are different for everyone, not much point in reading how bad it is for one person vs another, when the sides start can also vary.

If its a concern i would try and source topical it is much less like to cause side and there are good studies to support topical fina at .25% and other % as well.


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They don’t do topical at Belgravia and UK online pharmacies only do the pill.

That was the best I could find. All UK sites seem to link the topical finastride search to the pill.


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Up for if anyone knows a decent place to source topical minoxidil/finastride or whether the above website is trustworthy?


My Regimen
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Thanks. Quick question on Finastride, does it stop your body producing DHT/reduce the amount?

Does it affect testosterone in your system if it isn’t being converted to DHT, or does it stop DHT binding to the hair?

Does it affect say, muscle mass?


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Also. Is it true that it increases oestrogen in a male body by 15%?

This is a concerning statistic for me. I go to the gym regularly and don’t want female hormones.

I’d feel more comfortable if it remained as free testosterone than oestrogen.


Who Farted

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Definitely diffusing, definitely male pattern baldness. It’s not that bad, but it’s not going to stop. You might keep your hairline, but it’s just going to keep getting thinner. Unfortunately, finasteride is probably your only shot here.

Diffuse thinners are not usually considered candidates for hair transplants. People with alopecia Areata aren’t either. Having both means it’s going to be hard to find someone who will do it and even harder to get any kind of decent result. Even if you got a good result you would need finasteride to have any hope of keeping it.

You just have to ask how important your hair is to you and the answer to that will help you decide whether finasteride is worth it or not.


My Regimen
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Ok, thanks.

A few questions for anyone who has taken finastride:

- Does it affect muscle mass?

- Does it actually increase estrogen by 15%?

- Does topical work as well as the pill?

- Does it stop DHT being produced or simply stop DHT binding to your hair?


My Regimen
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Definitely diffusing, definitely male pattern baldness. It’s not that bad, but it’s not going to stop. You might keep your hairline, but it’s just going to keep getting thinner. Unfortunately, finasteride is probably your only shot here.

Diffuse thinners are not usually considered candidates for hair transplants. People with alopecia Areata aren’t either. Having both means it’s going to be hard to find someone who will do it and even harder to get any kind of decent result. Even if you got a good result you would need finasteride to have any hope of keeping it.

You just have to ask how important your hair is to you and the answer to that will help you decide whether finasteride is worth it or not.

Apparently it isn’t diffuse thinning but overall pattern thinning which are apparently two very different things.

The donor area is strong so it isn’t diffuse, so they said.
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