Fear, Sex, and Hairlines


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Hi, I'm 20-year-old male and a college student. I began to notice that I started getting a receding hairline a couple of years ago. My hair is still incredibly thick and looks decent but the hairline is another story.

Last month I got curious and wanted to know exactly how bad my hairline was. After doing some research, it resembles a Norwood 2. With my gigantic forehead, it looks really bad. Thankfully, I have long bangs so my hairline is hidden.

Either way, being a young college student, I want to make the most out of my few years here. I mean they're supposed to be the "best years of your life" right? I don't want to spend my time worrying and feeling depressed about my hair. I decided to go to my doctor and get started on Proscar. I have the usual "cut into 4 pieces, once a day" thing. I've been on it for about a month and I'm very hopeful for results.

However I have a few concerns. In the past two weeks I have had several days where my balls would ache. I thought maybe I was getting a lump on my testicle or something, so I checked myself in the shower. Nothing. I thought maybe it was "blue balls" so I had sex with my girlfriend. The pain stopped.. probably just a coincidence though.

Today they are aching bad. I've been doing research on the internet and it's a side effect of the Finasteride in the Proscar. The more I do research the more horror stories I come across. Some like people unable to have children and having permanent erectile dysfunction.

There is no way I can deal with these things. I'm so scared right now. I don't know what to do. How long should I keep this testicle pain up for? Should I go to my doctor right now and quit the drugs? My sex life has remained unchanged. I still get it up and everything is normal...but I'm still worried. I'm scared for the day when my hormones are so messed up that I'm not going to be able to have sex at all.

The most important factor in this whole thing is kids. I need to have kids. Am I really gambling having kids with my hairline?

I don't know who I can talk to about this. I want to talk to my girlfriend about it but I'm afraid. Thankfully I have you guys. What do you think I should do?


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I had this same ball ache, but mine started the day I took finasteride and ended about a week later. For several of those days it hurt really bad but it subsided.

I would try to push through this, as uncomfortable as it is. If the ball ache doesn't subside after a couple weeks more, you might want to re-consider...I personally think it will go away though if you push through it for a little while longer.

good luck


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I dont think your post is particularly relevent to this section, which covers pschological issues as opposed to side effects from drugs.

But a word of advise, stop the f*****g drugs. Cant you see what a con it all is?

In the end, all you can do is limit the damage. At best it might slow your hairloss down a bit but please just wake up and realise that its not worth the money, stress or bad side effects.

Im not saying hairloss is easy, but its damn sight easier if you just get a f*****g grip and accept that there isnt anything you can do about it. Go with the flow as opposed to against it and it will be a whole lot easier.

For me, my hairloss isnt currently an issue thats causing my much stress or unhappiness. Eventually you get to a point where you become used to it. And trust me, NW2 is nothing.

Hairloss its self isnt the defining factor, essientally its your attitude. Isnt that what they teach you at college? And that attitude you have to your situation will shape the way you live your life.

And I will concede that my hairloss isnt that bad at the moment. So yeah, perhaps it will get tougher in time to come. But its all about attitude. If you can deal with it early on and move on, then its not going to be as hard when it gets worse.

Have you ever noticed how people with real f*****g problems like being disabled or dying nearly always have an amazing attitude despite their circumstances? Whilst some people who have 'problems' like hairloss get all depressed about it? When you have a real problem in life you know about it, and ironically when its a real problem, people usually accept it quickly because they know if they dont, it will f*** them over. Hairloss is a minor.

Get of any nasty pills that you have been taking and start acceping it. Work on what you can change, instead of wasting time lamenting about what cant be changed.


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Utter rubbish. Sometimes I wonder why people like you are on these forums other than to spread fear and destroy hope....


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eth0 said:
Utter rubbish. Sometimes I wonder why people like you are on these forums other than to spread fear and destroy hope....

I beg pardon?

Who the f*** are you?

If anything my post was a positive, constructive post

Now go and kill yourself you f*****g retard


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Positive and constructive?
Let's have a quick look.

Hope4hairRedux said:
But a word of advise, stop the f****ing drugs. Cant you see what a con it all is?

Hope4hairRedux said:
please just wake up and realise that its not worth the money, stress or bad side effects.

Hope4hairRedux said:
Im not saying hairloss is easy, but its damn sight easier if you just get a f****ing grip and accept that there isnt anything you can do about it.

Hope4hairRedux said:
Get of any nasty pills that you have been taking and start acceping it. Work on what you can change, instead of wasting time lamenting about what cant be changed.

If that's positive and constructive I'd hate to see you when you're giving negative advise.
This is meant to be a forum which helps people with hairloss and discusses the merits of available medication, not tell them to just accept it.
I'm so glad I didn't meet you with I first came to this forum otherwise I would have lost most of my hair by now.

Quite frankly, because your reply to me was so nasty, I take pleasure in knowing I inadvertedly upset you, which is quite unlike me.


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eth0 said:
Positive and constructive?
Let's have a quick look.

Hope4hairRedux said:
But a word of advise, stop the f****ing drugs. Cant you see what a con it all is?

Hope4hairRedux said:
please just wake up and realise that its not worth the money, stress or bad side effects.

Hope4hairRedux said:
Im not saying hairloss is easy, but its damn sight easier if you just get a f****ing grip and accept that there isnt anything you can do about it.

Hope4hairRedux said:
Get of any nasty pills that you have been taking and start acceping it. Work on what you can change, instead of wasting time lamenting about what cant be changed.

If that's positive and constructive I'd hate to see you when you're giving negative advise.
This is meant to be a forum which helps people with hairloss and discusses the merits of available medication, not tell them to just accept it.
I'm so glad I didn't meet you with I first came to this forum otherwise I would have lost most of my hair by now.

Quite frankly, because your reply to me was so nasty, I take pleasure in knowing I inadvertedly upset you, which is quite unlike me.

Whatever man.

Its just my opinon that the longer you hold on to so called 'treatments', the longer its going to take you to get over your hairloss.

We all want happiness. And I dont think we find it through taking treatments or drugs. We find it through waking up everyday and loving ourselves as we are. Accepting ourselves for the way we look.

Im sure a lot of people on here would agree with me, that ultimately, the best thing to do is try and go with the flow.

The OP was complaning about side effects from his drug treatment. I responded by saying that in the end, and in my opinion, he may find that ultimately, the measures he is taking are superficial and short term. He might just find it easier to accept hisproblem full on instead of taking so called treatments.

Once again, the nature of my post has been to try and be constructive. To try and say that we have all the condtions we need to be enjoy life already, without treatments or not.

Who do you think is better of? The guy that isnt bothered about his hairloss or the guy that takes loads of pills and is?


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Make your decision

Have a 'decent' chance to maintain your hair for a bit with a possiblity of having serious sexual side effects (small possibility, but still there)

Try to embrace your hairloss and let nature run its course.

this all depends on what kind of person you are and your mentality, mostly how well you think you'd be able to cope being bald(er)


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Here's my advice.
Ask your doctor about it.
Why did he give proscar to a guy your age, anyway?
Did you tell him it was for hairloss?
I mean, you surely did because he would have tested for an enlarged prostate (which would be extremely rare for a guy your age). If he gave it to you for hairloss, then just be honest and see what he says about the side effects if they don't go away in a week or so.


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Get off the meds! asap
and read some threads in propeciahelp dot com. (unless you dont mind being impotent with a nice hairline)


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Smooth said:
Get off the meds! asap
and read some threads in propeciahelp dot com. (unless you dont mind being impotent with a nice hairline)
I've been on propecia for a long time now (with about a five month gap when I tried just shaving my head), and I'm a long way from being impotent. I'm 41, too.


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Smooth said:
Get off the meds! asap
and read some threads in propeciahelp dot com. (unless you dont mind being impotent with a nice hairline)



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Thanks for the advice guys, but now my chest is starting to feel really sensitive. I can't remember if that was one of the more serious sides and that I should stop taking it.

I definitely don't want to have man boobs... Did you guys have a sensitive chest and did it go away? Or do I need to start taking this stuff ASAP?


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Scarecrow said:
I definitely don't want to have man boobs... Did you guys have a sensitive chest and did it go away? Or do I need to start taking this stuff ASAP?

when u get sides then you stop taking the meds....thought that is simple enough.....you will pay ultimate price for your stubbornness Scarecrow!


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I never had sensitive breasts on finasteride, but about a year ago I went on Oral spironolactone 200mg daily, and that gave me tender nipples at first - then I started developing small breast tissue.
It ended up being about 2 inches in diameter and half an inch thick under each nipple, and the breast tissue was very sensitive. When I felt this tissue it felt harder than normal tissue.
My sex drive went down a third, but other than that I had no other sides.

I went off the spironolactone and about a month later this tissue seems to have dissapeared, and my "breasts" are back to normal.

I would say if you have sensitive breasts on finasteride then the medication is no good for you. Have you looked at the Hair Pieces forum?


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I've been on finasteride for years now.
No sexual dysfunction, aching balls, or man boobs.
And once again, I'm a guy in his early forties.
If you read the potential side effects of any medication, it might cause you to not want to take it. But the fact is that most of the side effects listed do not happen to the vast majority of people. I think a lot of folks scare themselves into thinking they're having problems when it's really all in their head.


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:agree: I've taken it for 6 yrs no effects. The Dr who prescribes mine has been on it for 13 yrs.
If you go looking for sides you'll find them.


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look, people like s.a.f and thetodd are over 30 so they think that losing their libido is normal hence they dont link it with proscar, but i can assure you that many many people are on the drug and suffer from the sides (otherwise you wouldn't have so many posts on propeciahelp dot com.....) they are too afraid to stop taking the med so they get blinded by it and cant see the correlation there...you dont have to be a genius to see that :whistle:


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Smooth said:
look, people like s.a.f and thetodd are over 30 so they think that losing their libido is normal hence they dont link it with proscar

I'm 31 and I haven't lost my libido in any way. I'm pretty sure s.a.f didn't mention losing his libido either, although I could be wrong


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Hope4hairRedux said:
Whatever man.

Its just my opinon that the longer you hold on to so called 'treatments', the longer its going to take you to get over your hairloss.

Apologies, I've just re-read my post and it was a little off. I'd just read one of Mew's derogitory comments and was probably riled up.

When I read your post, I didn't understand why you were on a hairloss forum when your attitude was to just forget everything and let it happen?