fastest recorded balding


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What is the timeline for the fastest balding.

I think i might have a gold medal in this event

age 25 barber insists that he thins my hair out because it is to thick

age26 barber asks if i have been thinning the hair out myself
age 27 -present day barber laughs at my thin hair

Hans Gruber

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you need a new barber


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I've got a buddy at work who went from a full head of hair to totally bald on top in about a year. He was in his late 20s. Suits him though. He looks like Cal Ripkin, Jr. Didn't seem to bother him none.


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ehbradaman said:
i went from an Norwood 2 at 16, to being an Norwood 4 by 17

:freaked: Really !?!, or is that a Taug NW4 (really about a 2).


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nope, it was definitely a real Norwood 4. I have the senior pictures to prove it. school was terrible, at least 3 people mentioned my balding to me a day.


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ehbradaman said:
nope, it was definitely a real Norwood 4. I have the senior pictures to prove it. school was terrible, at least 3 people mentioned my balding to me a day.

f*****g hell mate that must have sucked. you want to punch people in the throat sometimes .. "Dude you're losing your hair !!" .. "No sh*t! It was there when I left this morning...".


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I think your exaggerating your hairloss. Mine use to be thick as hell a year and half ago but it tends to have weird twists in turns on it that if I give it some time it usually comes back. Mine is starting to get thicker these days. Stick with it buddy and if it doesn't s&*t thats life.



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antonio666 said:
What is the timeline for the fastest balding.

I think i might have a gold medal in this event

age 25 barber insists that he thins my hair out because it is to thick

age26 barber asks if i have been thinning the hair out myself
age 27 -present day barber laughs at my thin hair

When a barber thins your hair, he doesn't literally thin it. The thinning shears just cuts some hair short and others stay the same length.


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libertine said:
you need a new barber

haha i was thinking the same thing. What kind of barber laughs at a paying customer's thinning hair??


Established Member
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Screw trying to stop balding.
Lets start trying to beat some records for fastest balding male in history!

Stock up on your red meat, start dead lifting heavy weights with no cardio, and MASTURBATE, MASTURBATE, MASTURBATE!


Taugenichts lost 70% of hair his hair in 6 months.

Oh wait, Heinrich lied? You don't say. :hairy:


TheOliviaTremorControl said:
Whats the difference between a "taug Nw4" and a real nw4?

None, s.a.f is a nice guy but he has no idea how to read the Norwood scale. Recently he claimed that a guy who had absolutly no hairline left was a Norwood 3 (no offence, s.a.f). I am just more critical when I see hairlines.


JayMan said:
Taugenichts lost 70% of hair his hair in 6 months.

Oh wait, Heinrich lied? You don't say. :hairy:

I lost about 70% of my hair within 3 years. And my first name is Daniel, if you actually care.....


Antonio, I hope you don´t take this as offence but your story actually made me laugh. I think the fastest RECORDED balding in this forum must be from Assignment-Zero. Check out his story, his hair went really fast.

Reading these stories scare the sh*t out of me. I mean, I might be slick bald in a few months by that. :shock: