
Charming Man

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I have decided to go for a consultation with Farjo in the very near future, and would be interested to hear any comments from anyone that has had a hair transplant from him.

I've had a brief look through the forum and appreciate that there is a strong bias towards travelling abroad for this procedure, which I haven't entirely ruled out, but I feel that I should at least investigate what's nearer to home.

So, please, anyone that's been to Farjo, your comments would be much appreciated.


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If you want a substandard result then Farjo is the man!


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If you believe that you are strong enough to resist their proffesional marketing techniques that they are going to use to make you have the tranplant at their place then go.

But you should no that I havent seen any decent result by Farjo all this time while i have seen hundreds of astonishing by other doctors and clinics. I would say you go for a less risky route.


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Farjo did Barry from Eastenders, search Shaun Williamson on the web, his result is not what I would call amazing.


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I went to Farjo in 2001, simply to get hold of Finasteride, it was one of the only places you could get it in the UK because it hadn't at that time been approved.

For me it wasn't the greatest experience, I did feel like I was being pushed into a hair transplant. I remember the consultant walked into the room and immediately declared "You have lost soooooooo much hair" the guy could obviously tell I was a little nervous and upset on the telephone before I met him but that had no bearing on maybe being a little caring, gentle and understanding.

I remember he also asked me if I scarred easily, how can you possibly answer that? I couldn't wait to just get the finasteride and leg it out of there.

Out of all the research I've done I can tell you that I've seen many happy patients from the top US and Canadian clinics with detailed photos to back it all up. From the UK I'm struggling to recall even one! And you going to hear this a million times.

Go for your consultation with Farjo, but please also have one with Spex http://www.hairhelp.myzen.co.uk.


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Lucky_UK said:
Farjo did Barry from Eastenders, search Shaun Williamson on the web, his result is not what I would call amazing.
Infact he did him twice I believe and Shaun still uses concealers on TV.

If you use Farjo you will end up either going for more work abroad anyway or just left wondering how good a result you could have got if you'd have been bothered to travel.


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Charming Man said:
I have decided to go for a consultation with Farjo in the very near future, and would be interested to hear any comments from anyone that has had a hair transplant from him.

I've had a brief look through the forum and appreciate that there is a strong bias towards travelling abroad for this procedure, which I haven't entirely ruled out, but I feel that I should at least investigate what's nearer to home.

So, please, anyone that's been to Farjo, your comments would be much appreciated.

I have never heard of any decent results from UK doctors.
If you want strip, go to - Dr. Arvind, New Delhi or Hasson n Wong, Canada. Dr. Cole in US is also held in good regard.
If you want fue, go to Dr. Arvind or Dr. Woods (Sydney). They are the most experienced.
Theres lots of documented results, happy patients and astonishing transformations from the above doctors.
Thats the most comprehensive list I will recommend based on my research.
Good luck.


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s.a.f said:
[quote="Lucky_UK":1wsavksi]Farjo did Barry from Eastenders, search Shaun Williamson on the web, his result is not what I would call amazing.
Infact he did him twice I believe and Shaun still uses concealers on TV.

If you use Farjo you will end up either going for more work abroad anyway or just left wondering how good a result you could have got if you'd have been bothered to travel.[/quote:1wsavksi]

I thought it was Rodgers that did him?


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Petchsky said:
I thought it was Rodgers that did him?

The oft heard opinion seems that Rogers is ok but very conservative.


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Petchsky said:
s.a.f said:
[quote="Lucky_UK":2r9o57og]Farjo did Barry from Eastenders, search Shaun Williamson on the web, his result is not what I would call amazing.
Infact he did him twice I believe and Shaun still uses concealers on TV.

If you use Farjo you will end up either going for more work abroad anyway or just left wondering how good a result you could have got if you'd have been bothered to travel.

I thought it was Rodgers that did him?[/quote:2r9o57og]

No it was definatley Farjo.


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Nice! we have an argument on whether or not it was rogers.
Was it good or bad, if I may ask?


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Judge for yourself Davender,



Blown the 2nd pic up so you can really get a close up of the hair


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Jeesh. thats a big photo, had he gone to one of the worlds best clinics his result would of definately been better.


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Bear in mind he's wearing tons of concealer aswell.


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s.a.f said:
Bear in mind he's wearing tons of concealer aswell.
Yep, there's a kind of a matt look, but only to the trained eye!

BTW Lucky and SAF your results look great!


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Petchsky said:
Judge for yourself Davender,

Blown the 2nd pic up so you can really get a close up of the hair

Mediocre, at best.

Thats why I gave my preffered list of doctors. You will find amazing transformations from all of them.
I dont think UK doctors can come even close to that type of results.

Charming Man

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Thanks for the feedback guys.

I anticipated that my choice would be criticised on these forums (maybe rightly!) but I was hoping that someone that had had a procedure done at Farjo would come forward to defend his work.

My own situation is that I'm a "Norwood 3" and ideally would like FUE over the strip method. Sadly, I am an utter lightweight when it comes to surgery (passed out twice and hurled afer getting a relatively small mole removed) so FUE would suit me better.

Was going to ask Farjo if he does this, but his website would indicate he's not keen.

Have noted Avid's name for FUE, would anyone recommend Feller ?


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Charming Man said:
Thanks for the feedback guys.

I anticipated that my choice would be criticised on these forums (maybe rightly!) but I was hoping that someone that had had a procedure done at Farjo would come forward to defend his work.

My own situation is that I'm a "Norwood 3" and ideally would like FUE over the strip method. Sadly, I am an utter lightweight when it comes to surgery (passed out twice and hurled afer getting a relatively small mole removed) so FUE would suit me better.

Was going to ask Farjo if he does this, but his website would indicate he's not keen.

Have noted Avid's name for FUE, would anyone recommend Feller ?

If you are planning to go for fue, I will recommend Dr. Arvind wholeheartedly. In my opinion, he is the best when it comes to fue and/or bht. Keep us informed of your experiences.
Best of luck.


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charming man,have a look over on the hair transplant network,farjo have posted a great deal of before and afters.
also apart from myself there are several satisfied patients posting,search for fallenstar,adrian,mark black,brian boro,marcellos and jimmy1.

good luck.