Extreme Makeover


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Has anyone been catching the show Extreme Makeover? I was watching it with my fiance last week and they showed a dude getting a hair transplant. Then this week the same deal. I don't have much base for comparison, but they both seemed to turn out really nice post-op, and I was glad to see first hand how it's done through watching the show. The Doctor said it takes 4 months for the hairs to grow in, so they gave the guys nice pieces to wear. Going in for a minor surgery has been on my mind for awhile, accepting my hairline is not going to get better with minoxidil, and I may need to seek getting a hair transplant.



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i would like to see them do a follow up 5 months down the road.That would give us the real picture regarding his transplant.


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Yeah theres no way that the guy's hair will be as thick as the piece their given is.


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Yeah, it would be very beneficial to those of us considering the procedure if these shows would do follow-ups on their makeovers with regard to the guys with a hair transplant. But the work looked very good and you could really see the transplanted hairs, it looked like a 5 o'clock shadow on the hairline and crown. Trippy stuff.


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Just watch the infomercials from that other hair transplant company that did a hair transplant on Wade Boggs. You can tell the hair is spaced out and is very thin, which is what the guy that had the hair transplant done will have. If anything the show gives you good reason to get a wig. His hair looked very natural and you could comb it anyway you wanted to and the piece would last for 5 weeks before you had to adjust the thing.


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Odelay said:
If anything the show gives you good reason to get a wig. His hair looked very natural and you could comb it anyway you wanted to and the piece would last for 5 weeks before you had to adjust the thing.
Yup, I fell for some informercial..10 years ago out of desperation and attempting to wipe out the blues, I got a piece. All was wonderful, 'cept it took forever to style, never looked right unless "they" did it at the shop, color started mismatching, hair started falling out due to my attempts to "style" the piece (Isn't that ironic? Even my hairpiece had a hairloss problem!!) I was always wondering if other people could see the piece, then, of course, they wanted me to buy a new one, etc etc. This was the worst decision I ever made. Never again!!!