Experiences With Hookers And/or Sugar Babies?


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who was a regular sugar baby (for free)

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You tried hookers? I'm pretty sure both are sh*t for self esteem unless you're someone who just doesn't care.
Yeah... I meant at least it makes you feel like you are rich. That's got to count for some part of the self-esteem bit.
I think that's why rich old fucks sometimes marry hot 20-somethings.

I don't mean any of that seriously Ideal, I know it's just f*****g cope.
And nope, I haven't paid for pussy yet.


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True I probably should have worded that better. A sloot who was a sugar baby but I met her on tinder and fucked her without having to pay
I hope you strapped up. I bet sugar daddies aren’t using condoms, because then they might aswell go to a regular wh***?


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well i visited a wh*** two days ago. guess it was an interesting experience but not something i really want to repeat. now im just gonna have to deal with the identity crisis of not being a way too old virgin anymore. good thing i have the baldcel identity to fall back on i guess

Are you from Scandinavia? You don't look bad, mate. You are more than able to get some pussies.


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im from finland which is technically not a part of scandinavia
thanks for your encouraging words but my self esteem isn't the best
the way i am, i wanted to get this experience under my belt before i got too old to maintain an erection

I would recommend you to travel St. Petersburg.

I'm sure you will find someone to penetrate.

Also, I found Finnish accent one of the best (strict no homo) – I had a Finnish friend (no homo again).


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Looking for a new escort. The one I've been seeing says she feels used because I don't say sh*t to her, c*m, pay her and just go about my business. f*****g lol. What does this wh*** expect? My life story? Time for a new wh***.
Run some daygame, it's way cheaper.

if it helps, get an rx from your doctor for some xanax. Chugg a few tall boys down after and start putting in work.


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Imho its legit

Just keep a few things in mind:

1. You pay for sex. There is and there will be no mutual attraction ever. If you have problems with that dont do it.

2. Dont believe a hooker a single word. They are notorious liars that tell you everything they think you want to hear including "youre so handsome"...

3. Most of them are stupid af. So there is no need to be nervous, to impress them or worried what they might think about you.

Dunno about sugar babies but it sounds like a cuck thing to do.
A lot of prostitutes are not stupid. You could argue that they are the smart ones by recognising this biological need in most men and they are savy enough to take advantage of this need.
They are also congizant of their own needs and biological countdown.

And, they are also some of the most socially aware people that I've come across with a lot of emotional intelligence.


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A lot of prostitutes are not stupid. You could argue that they are the smart ones by recognising this biological need in most men and they are savy enough to take advantage of this need.
They are also congizant of their own needs and biological countdown.

And, they are also some of the most socially aware people that I've come across with a lot of emotional intelligence.

Meanwhile her in germany they cant even speak proper german most of the time

Anyways if you get manipulated by hookers youre either very deluded or very lonely in my opinion


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Prostitutes are more honest than the average married woman, except
ones that marry rich men.

The problem with prostitutes is we think that they will be emotionally kind, that's not
often the case. Some are just making business deals, and will not give emotional support.

These days, with all the allegations of sexual harassment, I'm not surprised lots of guys
stay single.

As men, prostitution is a part of our DNA. Look at Danny Devito and Prince. They are model
prostitutes that we should all strive to do for. Danny was both short and a baldite. If Prince was
completely bald, he wouldn't get hot women, let's be honest, size and baldness combined
can put a flat tire on the pussy wagon.


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Meanwhile her in germany they cant even speak proper german most of the time

Anyways if you get manipulated by hookers youre either very deluded or very lonely in my opinion
Proper German is quite a task.

How competent someone is in speaking the "proper" dialect of any region is hardly a sign of any intelligence.
A sign of being uptight and somewhat pedantic? Yes.


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I've been to see a hooker on two separate occasions. Both times felt dirty as f*** after. Second time, the girl was hot, but the 'after-care' was non-existent. Soon as I finished I had to put my clothes back on and march out. I'm sure there are a number of different types and qualities but full on sex isn't really my cup of tea when it comes to paying for it. The experience is generally too short lived to be worth your money and the guilt that comes after.

However, I have occasionally been (3-4 times) for 'massages' that are real massages with a happy ending after. I personally find that a good balance of stimulation and excitement, without the same cost and guilt associated with full on prostitution. There is something magical about laying there and not being any pressure to do anything and sort of being looked after. A lot of my friends are a bit shocked when I tell them, but hell, it's their loss if they're too fussy or pretentious to try it out. I guess its kinda dirty when you think about the other guys that go there and get the same goddamn treatment, but as long as you don't dwell on that, it can be a pretty fun relaxing experience.


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why st petersburg? have you been there yourself?
also lol @ finding finnish accent hot it sounds comical to me

Nothing comical about the accent.

Because St. Petersburg is very close to Finland. I've been there a few times of course.


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wow, hope you guys get untraceable STDs and rot in pain, oh wait it's a balding ppl forum ;)