Expecting a Shed


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Hey everyone I've been on this forum for a while now (about 8 months now) but I still havent hopped on finasteride. About a month ago I purchased a full supply of propecia but I'm too nervous to begin trying it. Besides the potential side effects my main concern is shedding. Does everyone shed? Is it inevitable? Is it noticeable? When does it occur? Please anyone with knowledge about the so called shedding process please helpp. Thanks alot everybody.


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Just take the damn finasteride, if you go into it expecting sides or a shed then you'll get them.


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Just don't take the damn finasteride. If you don't take the finasteride, you won't get side effects.


Experienced Member
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Does everyone shed?

Nope, no shed for me 16 months in. Some shed, some don't but from
when I can tell the ones that do get more regrowth after the

Just take the damn finasteride, if you go into it expecting sides or a shed then you'll get them.

I agree, the mind is powerful and you can think your way into sides. Just
be positive and don't think about them.


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Shedding on finasteride is a part of life. Its a roller coaster. Most of it will be down. About 60% of the time you will shed hair like a b**ch. Then 40% of the time your hair will make a come back and appear thicker again. At least thats what happens to me. But finasteride definitely works, its well worth the hassle. Im a fan for sure.

Just take it. The sides are nothin.


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whats a shed tho? is it noticable....does your head look balder or lighter in density??? what is it?? im so confused, some say its nothing some say its serious. What is this so called "shed"???