Ever thought about killing yourself?

Quantum Cat

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When I first realised that the hairloss was genuine I was very very depressed and thought there was no point in living. But after about a year I'm feeling somewhat better thanks to doing research about male pattern baldness, taking finasteride and being on antideppressants.

So if it feels like it's the end of the world then just hang on and things will get better.


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every moment.


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oh come on... that's too easy.


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Quantum Cat said:
When I first realised that the hairloss was genuine I was very very depressed and thought there was no point in living. But after about a year I'm feeling somewhat better thanks to doing research about male pattern baldness, taking finasteride and being on antideppressants.

So if it feels like it's the end of the world then just hang on and things will get better.

What is your degree of hairloss?


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Even though there were periods where i was pretty f*****g low, i never had the urge to hurt myself or others.

uncomfortable man

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Not while I have my daughter in my life.

optimus prime

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It’s flashed across my mind before. Never anything really serious, but sometimes I thought about it when low. - back when I was fighting depression. Suicide is the biggest killer in men under 30. (At least in the UK & Ireland).

My thoughts that kept me going were, if I would kill myself, I should try everything first to prevent that. One thing I would try would be to live a different life. Move to a different world and live a different life. Even if it was with a tribe or in Africa.

I figured if you have to hunt for your food or sleep under the stars or living as an Eskimo, your hair or other issues will become forgotten. Usually these people seem content in life, even though they appear to have nothing.


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I've never seen suicide as an option to be honest. Even when at my lowest (dealing with acne and the subsequent acne scars) i never saw myself going down that route. I was incrediblely depressed, no doubt about that, but i always thought that if things got really bad i would just move to another town, get a job where i work alone, and pretty much just cut myself off from society.

To be fair, hairloss has yet to make me anywhere near as depreessed as i was with the acne and acne scarring.


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huh, I am fighting with acne too and now I am really pissed off because of my hairloss... another bunch of cosmetics... I feel like a woman for gods sake ;( what have you you tried for acne? I think I have tried everything that exists... skinoren, salicylic acid, zink, sulphur, even some kind of antibiotics (i don't remember the name). but hey... suicide that means you have given up everything, and this is not like me... I may be depressed(and angry at the same time) but I can't give up...


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I've suffered a few bouts of depression where i wanted to end it all, but something has always stopped me from doing it, i think i will eventually, not because of hairloss though, prefer to go out on my own terms when my body or brain gives up on me.

This is a very depressing thread, lets lighten the mood



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mpower said:
what have you you tried for acne? I think I have tried everything that exists... skinoren, salicylic acid, zink, sulphur, even some kind of antibiotics (i don't remember the name).

Yeah, i've tried most of those things, none of which did anything for me. Currently keeping it under control using Benzoyl Peroxide (see the 'regimen' at acne.org). It's the only thing that has ever worked for me but is a pain in the *** in term of how long the whole routine takes (i know what you mean when you say you feel like a woman, lol!).

certainly does make you feel cursed when you just seem to be dealing with one issue after another.


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I feel it a few times a month, because in addition to hairloss I have very ugly teeth and a face.


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First sorry for taking over the thread but serously... Suicude? Respect yourself so others respect you..

About the acne... Thaks for the suggestion. I will check it out. Actually I have tried that too ( what a surprise ;) Probably you are usibg it straight becayse I've seen it in many acne lotions (e.g. clean&clear). What it's controlling it for me are baby creams with aloe vera ;)


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I've been having a problem with acne the past couple months too. I think mine was triggered from stress because i was downsized from my job and having a tough time finding a new one. In addition it's winter so I've been less active and there is no sunlight on top of the air being really dry.

Stress, lack of exercise and dehydration are major contributers so look into those as well.


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What about Diet, i hear that's a big reason for acne...


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I gave serious thought to killing myself a few years ago, and decided it was worth the wait to see if technology comes out. Also figured if I can just get my finances together, being able to look at the sun rise from a mountain top is way better than not being alive at all. I'm very very happy to be alive today, and am firmly against assisted suicide. I strongly believe that if anyone is seriously thinking about suicide, they need to be locked up and watched or something until they can get their mind in order. Suicide is not a right, anymore than a 5 year old has a right to concent to sex with an adult pedophile. If you want suicide, your brain is not functioning right, and you need a competent person to help you. I never told anyone in person, BTW. Luckily I just decided not to, and that was years ago. I'm fine now.