Even on dating sites...

We Move

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In life, we are all dealt our cards, just as in Poker.

You can either play the hand you are dealt, and work it to WIN, or you can fold and go home early.

As we know from poker, a perfect hand is RARE. Everyone has their shortcomings. But, you accept the bad, do what you can to "play up" your "good cards" in your hand, and find a way to win.
Nonsense analogy. The best play with some, if not most hands in poker, is to fold.
The guy who gets dealt AA will crush the guy who gets dealt 27o. No way round it.


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This thread is almost a quarter century old, damn that's weird to think about.


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Do you guys ever wonder what happened to these people?

It really intrigues me, i wonder if they moved on? killed themselves? found a women and had a family?

its really interesting


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Do you guys ever wonder what happened to these people?

It really intrigues me, i wonder if they moved on? killed themselves? found a women and had a family?

its really interesting
Probably just got tired, moved on, just didn't bother logging back in etc.

I for one don't envision myself being here forever lol.


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Do you guys ever wonder what happened to these people?

It really intrigues me, i wonder if they moved on? killed themselves? found a women and had a family?

its really interesting
I think most moved on and either found a woman or did not move on and killed themselves

Also, I was on this forum in 2018, but I was only lurking. So some people come back, I guess

Isaac Newton

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The reason I personally care is, it's not just SOME people who don't like male pattern baldness in my opinion, it's MOST, and it's affecting me in a very negative way. I tried not to care about it and just shave my head, but that just scared people away, and women told me that I look much, much better with hair.

I think it was Freud who said that hair in dreams is a symbol of virility and male sexuality. In ancient times, thick, luxurious hair was a symbol of strength and power, and thinning, wispy hair was a sign of illness or loss of virility. Hair is associated with youth and sexual attractiveness. Men have been donning wigs for centuries to try and maintain their prestige and power. It's why powdered wigs were so in vogue a few hundred years back or so.

When I was 22 I had long hair and women falling all over me. One year I could remember I had 15 different girlfriends (not simultaneously.. lol). Quite the heartbreaker in my day, I guess. I'm 32 now, was married for 9 years (so out of the dating scene for a while). My hair fell out mostly during this period of time, and I didn't exactly care about it. I was married and not looking to attract women. So, I knew it was thinning, people started noticing, and I just accepted it and didn't do anything about it.

I'm divorced now, look exactly the same as I did when I was 20 (a hair older but almost exactly), I weigh what I did in high school. I'm in good shape, thin, and I work out. The only difference is my male pattern baldness. Now women by and large don't give me the time of day, and I look so much older that when I go to parties I seem out of place, even though the people are in my age group. People start asking me how old I am. Nobody ever asked me that before.

I've seen specifically on dating websites, women have actually put in their requirements that their potential mate "must have all your hair". Confidence and personality go a long way, and you defintitely need to work on it (women HATE pussies.. they want a sensitive guy, but not a guy who's going to cry about everything) but a woman generally decides whether or not you're a potential date in about the first ten seconds of meeting you, and a giant majority of that has to do with your appearance. After that, your confidence and personality take over, and that's what makes a woman decide to continue dating you. It's a different story once you have a steady girlfriend who gets to know you better, there are no more first impressions, and she can see the real person you are, and might not care at that point if you're going bald. But by and large, dating is just a big game. People judge others on first impressions.. Yes, it's shallow... but it's the way society works, whether we all like it or not.

When I was young and super awkward with women, I'd get dates based purely on my looks and then they'd promptly drop me once they found out what a pussy I was. But, I got my foot in the door, and that's what it's all about. If you can't even get past the door you don't have a chance.. and the criteria they use at the door is your appearance.

It sucks, but it's a fact that most women like men with hair more. Women may say they don't care, but they're either in the minority or they are lying. Most of the men on here with extensive experience with women can probably vouch for this. Women often say one thing and mean another. They say something doesn't matter to them, even though it obviously does, because they don't want to SEEM shallow, even though they know it is.

Yeah, it's discriminatory. Yes, it's superficial. It's also the way society works, unfortunately. And it's not even limited to women. A lot of people look down on baldness, many times subconsciously. But they do.

That's why I care.
f*** good post

Isaac Newton

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yeah should be a warning to most, though...
done know how often i heard “i just need hair until im married” or anything similar... quite sure most here said that... and this is how people who think like that will end up...
Yea lol I read something about this in Cosmo xD. In a relationship act like you've just started dating, keep trying to be the best you can for your partner


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Yea lol I read something about this in Cosmo xD. In a relationship act like you've just started dating, keep trying to be the best you can for your partner
thing is that it is just easy to break up/divorce and then you are back where you started... just with less hair and naybe fatter^^


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Do you guys ever wonder what happened to these people?

It really intrigues me, i wonder if they moved on? killed themselves? found a women and had a family?

its really interesting

yeah it's haunting almost. these dudes were suffering in exactly the same way. and most of them were very aware as well — not the bluepill cope you'd expect

how many of them are dead by this point ?
most were in their late 20s, 30s...

by now the last sparks of their youth have long been extinguished

soon it will be our turn


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Also, with less money that could be turned into hair transplants.
i mean that goes both ways... might also be that the dude wants to break up/divorce for whatever reason... but still is bald/fat/poor then^^
men usually dont break it off, they rather say about every woman they date for a month that they are going to marry her...

well the outcome is the same here...


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To be fair, i've never seen hair or baldness mentioned in female profiles..

It's always height related.. "over 6ft only" etc etc