Evaluate my hair please (Video)


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You have no hair loss to speak of. PROMISE! It is very thick right at the hairline and behind, and there are no signs of miniaturization. You simply have those sharp corners (normal for male) with a widow's peak. If you went to a dermatologist, he/she would tell you the same thing. ;)


Experienced Member
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good hair!


Established Member
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Honestly, I think you should start finasteride in order to keep what you have and slow down further hair loss. How is the hair loss within your family?


Experienced Member
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good hair!


not trolling, people have told me im diffuse before on this forum

and my dad is 65, to most people they would say he has a full head of hair, just like my mother and sister say when i tell them im worried about losing my hair (OH LOOK AT YOUR FATHER, FULL HEAD OF HAIR STOP WORRYING CHILD!! etc etc), however to people aware of hairloss its clear he has receded temples and looking at his pics from when he was 30 it looked like it started from then and has probably receded extremely slowly ever since. He has a very thick crown and from some angles it seems like he has no hairloss.

I don't know what to do because no derm's offer miniturizaton tests in my city and the trichologist i went too was a nutter claiming procepia and minoxidil are fake and dont work, and they also gave me a half assed miniturizaton test (didn't even examine hairloss prone areas). I would get on finasteride instantly if i could get it from my doctor which i will within the next week assuming they dont refer me to a specialist.


Established Member
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I wouldn't worry about it. Everyone's hairline changes as they age. I didn't see hairs falling out as you combed through your thick hair, I wouldn't take finasteride.