estrogen and hair loss


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Hey guys,

just wondering what the effects of estrogen on hair are? I'm a 29 yo female who has experienced sudden, significant hair loss this year that I suspect could be the result of excessive dieting/weight loss at the tail end of last year (2014.)

My gynecologist prescribed the birth control pill Yaz, which is supposed to contain 25 mg of Spironolactone, as well as ethinyl estradiol, about a month ago. On the same day, I started taking 25 mg of actual Spironolactone in the morning and 25 mg at night. A few days ago I doubled my morning dosage.

This has me thinking, could the two have a negative effect on my hair due to too much estrogen? It's called estrogen dominance and can allegedly result in hair loss.

I'm so worried I made a mistake by going on it.

My total testosterone was slightly elevated, my free testosterone was well within range, in fact, on the low end of the range.

Was this a huge mistake?

Also, how do you guys feel about minoxidil to treat Telogen Effluvium?


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I'm sorry that I don't have any answers or advice for you. I'm just wondering, what kind of hair loss have you noticed? Does it seem diffuse or is it in a particular pattern?


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It's diffuse. I think the sides/temples/temporal area are the hardest hit. I'm now finding hairs that are as short as 1 inch.