Emotional Thoughts That Keep You Up At Night...


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Seeing hair start to thin is stressful as hell...often keeps me up at night just thinking about how awful this is. Was just wondering how many go through the same? Just curious, What thoughts/feelings makes you guys sick to your stomach and restlessly keeping you up at night staring at the ceiling?


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Yeah every night, whenever I shower or see my reflection in a mirror. Totally destroyed my life.
6 months ago when my hair started to thin dramatically I told myself that no matter how bad it gets I was gonna stay away from finasteride. I’m gonna get an appointment with a dermatologist next week to get a prescription for fina.


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Yeah every night, whenever I shower or see my reflection in a mirror. Totally destroyed my life.
6 months ago when my hair started to thin dramatically I told myself that no matter how bad it gets I was gonna stay away from finasteride. I’m gonna get an appointment with a dermatologist next week to get a prescription for fina.
That sucks man I feel your pain life can be cruel...when you look in the mirror or see hairs falling out in the shower what thoughts or feelings tend to run through your head?


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Yeah every night, whenever I shower or see my reflection in a mirror. Totally destroyed my life.
6 months ago when my hair started to thin dramatically I told myself that no matter how bad it gets I was gonna stay away from finasteride. I’m gonna get an appointment with a dermatologist next week to get a prescription for fina.

Congrats for taking the plunge dude. There really is nothing better than seeing your hair get thicker on meds


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That sucks man I feel your pain life can be cruel...when you look in the mirror or see hairs falling out in the shower what thoughts or feelings tend to run through your head?
Also, sorry to get personal but how did it destroy your life?


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Im up right now, woke up 1-2 hours ago (middle of night).

Needless to say whats on my mind.


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“Why is finasteride not working”

“How much thinner is my hair compared to last month”

“Do people notice I’m balding or that my hair is complete sh*t? And does that affect how people look at me?”

“How bad is it going to look next month, or in the next few months?”

“When is it time for me to switch over to a hairpiece?”

“Can I live my life with a hairpiece?”

“I can’t live through my 20s or even 30s bald”

Over and over and over again.


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Yeah man when I first really sat down and realized yeah I am going bald for real. it hit me like a ton of bricks. I couldn’t sleep that whole night. I barely slept for 3 weeks. Wanted to quit my job wanted to knock up the hottest girl I could cuz I thought I wouldn’t have much more time with the hotties. Stopped working out. Cried a few times honestly. It was not easy. That was 2 years ago and it doesn’t bother me like it did that first half a year. It’s still on my mind everyday. A few times everyday. Now sometimes I tell myself I don’t give a f*** because unlike most people I think I’ll atill be good looking enough. Muscular, tatted, good face and beard. I think I got it. But f*** I completely have. I idea what it’s like to not be balding. That time when it never crossed my mind never thought about it never ever worried about something like my hair. Life has changed. Still wish I wasn’t losing my hair obviously... but yeah