Effectiveness of Xandrox12.5% on front/hair line, results?


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Is there anyone here that uses Xandrox 12.5% on the frontal hairline area? If so, any positive results?

I'm considering purchasing it (Xandrox 12.5% 30 ml $27.95) but I'd like to know what others thought.. I'm 28 and the hair line seems to be my only problem, I have a fairly thick head of hair, yet I'd say I'm between a Norwood 1 and Norwood 2 only on the hairline (it's never progressed past that). I've used Rogaine 5% for two years with no real results (yet no side-effects either..) and am currently using Crinagen, Nizoral 2% shampoo , Tricomin shampoo, Nisim shampoo & green tea pills.. I need to add something else, yet don't really want to use propecia (at this time..)

Now,I'm not looking for the 16-17 year old male hairline, just perhaps the corners filled in a bit more than they currently are..Anyone in a similiar situation that had any decent results with other products?
