Effect of androgn deprivation on penile ultrastructure study


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There has been mention of DHT being not used by the adult genitals around here but are there studies to back that assumption?

This was a post in HLH forums circa 2003. fell off the radar for some reason... it touches peyronies disease and ED in finasteride users.

I know alot swear by finasteride here, so do I. But lets drop the fanboy stance for awhile and check out the study by this chinese university, they have no reason to cover up stuff like a capitalist drug company so it would be fair to give it some attention.

http://www.hairlosshelp.com/forums/mess ... TARTPAGE=1

This further link is an update from one "victim" and his progress on laying off finasteride.



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fanboy status :lol:

a rodent study without dosage information is worthless.

peyronies has been around long before finasteride and will occur in a certain percentage of men without finasteride. . There is nothing credible other than intranet ancedotal reports of it being in relation to finasteride.