Eenrak's story, Big 3


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Hi everyone,

I simply want to give my take on the big three to perhaps inspire others.
Started balding probably at age 20, and started to get noticeable at around 23. I'm now 24. The temples had thinned out a lot and the whole front part was thinner than the back, where no loss was noticable.

It started to worry me more than it should, and I thought to myself, either you got to fight it hard or accept it. No need to say what I chose to do.. :) acceptance can come later if a cure has not come by that time!

1.25mg finasteride ED since feb 4. 2014
minoxidil foam and liquid twice daily since april 4.
2% ketokonazole shampoo 1-2 times a week.
= 5 months finasteride + 3 months min.

Side Effects:
Only some watery semen which has more or less subsided. I was extremely worried before starting, but it all turned out fine.

Definitely visible improvement in the temples, but the front as a whole still seems a bit thinner than the back. Perhaps the stronger hairs need to grow longer before the thickness returns.



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Lol, let's see if the Norwood scale is breakable!
Anyways, I'm going to update this thread regularly, so hopefully I will have more gains which are not on my forehead.


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Forget the Norwood scale. It looks like you'll be entering the werewolf scale pretty soon with those all those hairs on your forehead lol.


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Good thing I own a set of claws..
Probably I have not been careful enough with the dripping.


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6 months finasteride and 4 months min update!
Things are looking good. Hairline keeps thickening, and I would say my right temple is back to a norwood 1 whilst the left temple is slowly getting there. It seems that my left temple has just shedded som short hairs that stopped growing, and I'm confident, that they will grow stronger and match my right temple.
I have linked before and after pictures, and added some fotos without flash, since the flash actually makes it look better than it is.
The whole frontal area got thicker, so it's so easy to style now! I love it so much. :)

No side effects, watery semen is gone and everything is alright.
I am extremely happy that I took the plunge.
Questions and comments are very welcome.



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Wow, impressive results, the hair loss isn't noticeable anymore !


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Wow, impressive results, the hair loss isn't noticeable anymore !
Yeah, and it really looks good now. Started getting better hair cuts than before so everyone compliments my hair now!


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nice. .. .but if you d post a pic with all your hair pulled back it would nice (in the after photos). . .Thanks and congrats :)


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Eenrak, when you first applied minoxidil to your hairline and temple did you noticed more hairloss around those area before hair started growing back? I just started finasteride for a month and recently with minoxidil at my temple spots where hair is receding.


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Thanks TKFD :)

before treatment, I would shed primarily in the whole frontal region but also a little bit in the back. When I started treatment, I applied minoxidil in the whole frontal part (still do). After 3 months with intense shedding from the front, It went from like 100+ a day to like 3 hair a day. So to answer your question, I shed much more hair in the regions that were balding before and also after treatment.

Now I shed very few hairs, and they are mostly leftover minituarized hairs in the hairline. I hope and believe that they are getting stronger too.


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Dang dude. Hope to get regrowth, just started finasteride/min under 1 month ago. Are the hairs staying miniature? Hopefully the new hairs will get longer and thicker and normal looking with time.


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Dang dude. Hope to get regrowth, just started finasteride/min under 1 month ago. Are the hairs staying miniature? Hopefully the new hairs will get longer and thicker and normal looking with time.

My whole frontal region has thickened a lot, but new hairs are still popping up in the hairline, and I hope they get terminal, but if they don't, it doesn't really matter, because my hair is better than I ever thought it would be. :)

Good luck with treatment. Stay consistent.


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Did the hair growth above the eyes stopped ? I was very messy with the minoxidil too and for about 1 month I was putting minoxidil all over my forehead :jackit:,now I have tiny peach fuzz all over my left and right above my eyes ,its not visible but I can feel it with my fingers.


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It was never above the eyes. It was right under the temples, but it hasn't really gotten better. The summer has been really hot here so even the foam dripped like crazy. So I carved my hairline with a razor... Lol. The fuzz grows really slowly, so I don't give a damn! Can't complain about getting too much hair! :)


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2.5 months into big 3.....still thinning on frontal region where I apply minoxidil experienced such??? and after how much time regrowth game??