Eating grapes with seed is equal to grape seed extract?


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Do they still do seeded grapes in Portugal? Here in Ireland most places only seem to carry seedless ie they've become a convenience food, like everything else.

I think the extract would be best. Besides which, grape seeds taste absolutely awful and I think you'd have to chew them otherwise they might pass right through.


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I am so angry about all the health foods that are turned into convenience foods. All those soda slurping twinki muching money spending people might buy some grapes if there are no seeds. So the grape companies stop selling seeded ones. It is not profitable to sell to the small number of health fanatics. If most people don't know the difference between good food and trash, then everyone, including those who know the difference, must eat trash.


Senior Member
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In Portugal all grapes are with seed and they dont taste awful. They taste good.


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yeah, just watch out for pesticides.


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i usually spit out the seeds! makes a nice ping sound on the trash can!


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"i usually spit out the seeds! makes a nice ping sound on the trash can!"



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I eat always with seeds because i like that bitter taste of the seeds after chew.. i didn't know this is dht blocker.. of course because few children care about the dht blockers at age of 8. :lol:
The grape is my favorit fruit. In the past 20 years i ate tons of grape with seed and when i read about the grapeseed extract few weeks ago i started to laugh. Seems like it was not enough... :lol: :lol:

i eat more capsules with the extract. Still no result :lol: or maybe must eat only that.
I think with good marketing we can sell everything.