Early Rogaine Growth


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Hey guys been on the foam about 3 months (ive been on finasteride 2 1/2 years) I now have an *** ton of new hairs all over my head, esp the hairline! However they are baby hairs, they are blondish and short, but they have progressivly been getting longer. My question is how long will it take this hairs to turn brown and actually become legit hairs? Thanks !


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idkwia said:
Heynow1234 - what happened to your new hairs did they turn brown and did they get thicker?

Yeah, i wanna know that too. Did they get brown and thicker in 3 1/2 hours?


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Basically this question gets asked a lot, there's no way of predicting whether those baby hairs will thicken into terminal hairs. Maybe a few will, maybe none will, maybe they all will. It's different for everyone.

You just have to stick it out for a decent amount of time and wait and see.


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Guys id love to tell you if they did but turn but i posted this yesterday....so no they have turned terminal in the 10 hours since i posted this question :woot:

The Gardener

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hairhoper said:

Basically this question gets asked a lot, there's no way of predicting whether those baby hairs will thicken into terminal hairs. Maybe a few will, maybe none will, maybe they all will. It's different for everyone.

You just have to stick it out for a decent amount of time and wait and see.
Good answer, from my experience I would echo this.

Most of my sprout activity didn't develop into much, but it DID fill in a bit the upper corners of my "widows peak" on my temple. What minoxidil most dramatically did for me was to improve the thickness and quality of my existing hair. I went from worrying that I'd have a Phil Collins-type wheat patch in my center forehead, to a hairline more similar to Kevin Costner. Still have the widow's peak, but the center patch is thicker and IMMENSELY more easily and fashionably styleable.

So, the thickening of my existing hair, plus some modest regrowth that rounded out the upper corners of my bald temples, equated to a pretty significant improvement in appearance. Enough to the point where I could change how I wanted to style my hair.

Who knows... you may have better, worse, or different results that I did. I started fairly late in the game and my temples were already high, and had been high for several years, so I'm guessing that a lot of those hairs had just been dormant for far too long for minoxidil to jolt them into meaningful production. But, if you are younger, or if your hairloss occurred more recently, then perhaps you'd have a better shot at more significant regrowth than I had.


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thanks for the responses guys, Gardener when did you notice that you could style your hair better?

The Gardener

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heynow1234 said:
thanks for the responses guys, Gardener when did you notice that you could style your hair better?
9 - 12 months or so after I began using minoxidil. It was a gradual improvement.


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thanks for the info, thats kinda the feeling i got on how long it was going to take,