Harey, it honestly depends where you look.
If you go over to HLH.com and use the search feature there, the general consensus from dutasteride users is generally positive, IMO.
In fact I have just bumped a thread up on dutasteride over there and am hoping to hear how this guy has done since his glowing report back in May 05. Knowing my luck though, he had probably posted a report in the interim that dutasteride caused his dick to fall off and his hair to fall out but we'll see.
Ok a little history:
I started Propecia in December of 1999. The first 6 months were pretty good.....good enough to where the woman that cut my hair back then commented that my hair appeared thicker and asked me what I had been doing. Then at right about 6 months I had a shed that was so severe, I seriously felt suicidal. It scared the living hell out of me. I continued taking it and a few months later it came back and all was ok....but the pattern of growth and horrendous sheds never stopped....it seeemd like clockwork...every few months I would look ok...then it would all fall out. It was maddening. I went on like this for four years and then I started regressing pretty badly. The sheds were not growing back as thick and the area of hairloss was widening.
It seemed I had hit the wall with Propecia. I decided to up my dose to 1mg in the am and 1.25mg of Proscar at night. This did little to change anything but I gave it time. I took that for about a year and right at the five year mark, it was obvious I was in trouble. I bit the bullet and ordered Reddy's Dutas praying it was legit because I pretty much quit Proscar cold turkey when I started dutasteride. I have been taking it 3 days in a row and take the fourth day off. There is no real reason for this formula, I just wanted to try to stretch it out a little to save money. All I can say is 2 months into this, my hair looks better than it did years ago....it's almost amazing to me. The sides and back have thickened and I have had no shed problems yet.....I know it's coming but so far so good. The quality of my hair is getting really good too....when I look at hairs on my brush, they are thin and stringy at one end, and getting thick and course at the bulb end which is a great sign.
I've also had no libido problems or any others that some have talked about. As far as I am concerned Proscar isn't even in the same ballpark as dutasteride as far as effectivness.....I'm not saying everyone will respond this well but if you are maxxed out on Proscar don't be afraid to try it, I am so happy I did.
Good luck