Dutasteride Liver Toxicity Study 2019


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People are always debating about the toxicity of dutasteride, I have found this interesting 2019 study:

" The histological analysis of liver in acute subgroups showed different forms of liver inflammation among acute (single Duprost dose) subgroups, in comparison with chronic (multiple Duprost dose) subgroups which showed formation of granulomatous lesions in the liver parenchyma in high dose(0.15ml) but there were inflammatory cells' aggregation in liver parenchyma among lower doses."

" These results may due to anticancer properties of active ingradient dutasteride [16, 17], that is, it is
well known that the anticancer drug kills cancer cells and, at the same time can kill normal cells
causing some unpleasant side effects."

" Our results may provide histological evidence of hepatotoxicity caused by Duprost. This can be
used to consider administration of the lowest possible dose of this drug in order to improve its'
hepatotoxic effects."

I think that people needs to be aware about the long term toxicity of this drug, not only for the brain but for other organ.


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People are always debating about the toxicity of dutasteride, I have found this interesting 2019 study:

" The histological analysis of liver in acute subgroups showed different forms of liver inflammation among acute (single Duprost dose) subgroups, in comparison with chronic (multiple Duprost dose) subgroups which showed formation of granulomatous lesions in the liver parenchyma in high dose(0.15ml) but there were inflammatory cells' aggregation in liver parenchyma among lower doses."

" These results may due to anticancer properties of active ingradient dutasteride [16, 17], that is, it is
well known that the anticancer drug kills cancer cells and, at the same time can kill normal cells
causing some unpleasant side effects."

" Our results may provide histological evidence of hepatotoxicity caused by Duprost. This can be
used to consider administration of the lowest possible dose of this drug in order to improve its'
hepatotoxic effects."

I think that people needs to be aware about the long term toxicity of this drug, not only for the brain but for other organ.


It was done on f*****g mice, and scientists have already cured mice of hairloss many many times whereas we still don't have a cure. By your logic we should also have a cure.


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Lol I understand the vehemence of your answer by seeing your name, but thats not the only study, just a recent one.

Here another one on human:

" The retrospective study, published online in Hormone Molecular Biology and Clinical Investigation (June 21, 2017), included a cohort of 230 men treated with dutasteride for lower urinary tract symptoms secondary to BPH, and another cohort of 230 men treated with tamsulosin (Flomax). The men were followed for 36-42 months.
Dutasteride also appeared to be associated with increases in aspartate transaminase and aminotransferase activity, while tamsulosin was not. This suggests inhibition of 5-alpha-reductase may bring about biochemical changes in liver function that may represent alterations in liver metabolism or increased inflammation, Dr. Traish and colleagues wrote. "


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Been on it 20 years. I do blood work every year,liver enzimes always in a safe range. Ibuprofen can kill your liver after long term use and that's OTC. Every drug carries potential risk. That's why yearly blood work is so important especially as you age.
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Ibuprofen like paracetamol are well known to be hepatotoxic even if they are OTC like alcohol too, what is your point ?
I just want to point out that there are many studies about the toxicity of dutasteride and a risk for futur possible user, not every drug carries potential liver risk and it's an organ you don't want to mess with especially for people taking different drugs on regular basis for hair loss.
And people with cirrhosis can also have hepatic enzymes in the safe ranges, just saying.
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It was done on f*****g mice, and scientists have already cured mice of hairloss many many times whereas we still don't have a cure. By your logic we should also have a cure.

Propaganda of what ? Have you ever tested your liver enzymes before and after Dutasteride !??!?!?!

Dutasteride IT IS liver toxic, it will take your liver enzyme much higher than the limit, I know, Cause I used it for many many years, and , once you stop it, after , around 3 month, your levels go back to normal.
I already posted to many time an study, that you can find on pubmed, done in HUMANS that prove it.

If you are a real healthy person , it will not " kill you " , but if you already have elevated enzyme, for any reason, it could be real dangerous.
Again, most people don't even test their hormones before they start taking Finasteride or dutasteride, much less, their liver enzymes. It also increase triglycerides and bad cholesterol.


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Ibuprofen like paracetamol are well known to be hepatotoxic even if they are OTC like alcohol too, what is your point ?
I just want to point out that there are many studies about the toxicity of dutasteride and a risk for futur possible user, not every drug carries potential liver risk and it's an organ you don't want to mess with especially for people taking different drugs on regular basis for hair loss.
And people with cirrhosis can also have hepatic enzymes in the safe ranges, just saying.
Totally different, Iburofen and paracetaml can be toxic at very high dose, while Dutasteride is toxic at a normal dose.


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Pick your poison. Do you want to accept some risk or do you want to be bald? Dutasteride, microneedling, and minoxidil combination therapy is the best way to get your hair back.[/QUOTE
Some risk ? lol
Plus, you are not even talking about tretinoin plus minoxidil.


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Yeah, duta increased my AST/ALT and bilirubin after 5 months of taking. It's not for me.