Dutasteride Is One Hell Of An Interesting F*cking Drug


My Regimen
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I've got a little brain fog today but that might be from getting hammered drunk last night combined with past couple days of crappy sleep.

hey ruby, I assume that's you in your avatar?? You are looking good!


My Regimen
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Yep, that's me. In a wig and lipstick LoL! :p

well, soon enough THAT will be what your hair looks like! keep it up! :)


Established Member
My Regimen
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well, soon enough THAT will be what your hair looks like! keep it up! :)
I sure hope so! My natural color is ( well it used to be anyway) dark brown and not dirty blonde.
I thought I'd look more like my sisters when I get further along in my transition, but instead I'm looking more like my mother did when she was young, except my nose is way too big and she had blue eyes, not hazel, but was about the same color of blonde. She's been gone for 17 years now and after I took that selfie and first saw it, I was overcome with emotion.

I do realize I don't look too bad for being almost 55, though.