dutasteride ----> frontal thinning: myth or reality?

Red Rose

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Guys, what do you think of the many many claims
from ex-dutasteride users that it accelerated their frontal thinning?

Why has this become such a bone of contention with dutasteride users? There must be something in it.

At this juncture, I suppose we don't know whether there really is any truth in it.

The popular opinion, of course, is that dutasteride raises scalp testosterone levels which is responsible for the increase in frontal thinning but then the trade off would be a marked decrease in DHT, so you would still not expect to see a discernible increase in frontal loss.

So what other explanation could there be? Anyone? :crazy:


In response to my own question I managed to find some useful information from http://www.hairlosshelp.com:-

S.I. asked: "Some users have reported worsening of their frontal hair loss while taking dutasteride. (1)Do you think these are legitimate reports, and if so, why would this be happening? (2) Have any of the patients for which you prescribed Avodart reported this problem? (3) About how many of your patients are taking Avodart? Thank you for your reply."

Dr. Robert Jones answered: "S.I. I have about 100 patients taking avodart. Some get initial loss as the medication pushes the hair into a telogen phase, but this isn't permenant, it will always grow back, Dr. Robert Jones http://www.torontohairdoctor.com"


S.I. asked: "S.I. asked: "Some users have reported worsening of their frontal hair loss while taking dutasteride. (1)Do you think these are legitimate reports, and if so, why would this be happening? (2) Have any of the patients for which you prescribed Avodart reported this problem? (3) About how many of your patients are taking Avodart? Thank you for your reply." Dr. Robert Jones answered: "S.I. I have about 100 patients taking avodart. Some get initial loss as the medication pushes the hair into a telogen phase, but this isn't permenant, it will always grow back, Dr. Robert Jones http://www.torontohairdoctor.com" ********************************************** Based on your reply stating that "..it will always grow back," I interpret that you do not believe that dutasteride (or finasteride for that matter) in no way can actually make frontal thinning/recession worse. Is that indeed correct? I am taking dutasteride but am concerned about all of the anecdotal reports of it making hairloss in the frontal region worse, particularly because subjectively it seems it might be doing just that with my hair. Any more words of advice for me and other dutasteride users? Thanks again. "

Dr. Robert Jones answered: "S.I. Avodart or propecia should not increase frontal hair loss. 90% of patients lose no further hair on DHT inhibitors and 20% regrow some crown hair. This leaves 10% that continue to lose hair. These are the people that continue to see frontal thinning on dht inhibitors, I have about 50 patients taking Avodart, Dr. Robert Jones http://www.torontohairdoctor.com"


S.I. asked: "S.I. asked: "Dear Dr. Khadavi: Some users on hairloss forums such as this have reported worsening of their frontal hair loss while taking dutasteride. (1)Do you think these are legitimate reports, and if so, why would this be happening? (2) Have any of the patients for which you prescribed Avodart reported this problem? (3) About how many of your patients are taking Avodart? Thank you for your reply." Dr. Alex A Khadavi, MD answered: "The patients that I have followed primarily have had no increase in frontal hair loss while on Avodart. These patients include my own patients and patients enrolled in the Avodart study over 3 years ago." **************************** I am taking dutasteride (previously I took finasteride) but am concerned about all of the anecdotal reports of it making hairloss in the frontal region worse, particularly because subjectively it seems it might be doing just that with my hair. (1)Based on your answer above, you do not believe that this is really possible then? (2)How many patients do you think you have followed on dutasteride and did any of them have frontal recession/loss in addition to vertex loss PRIOR to starting treatment? (3)Any more words of advice for me and other dutasteride users? Thanks again. "

Dr. Alex A Khadavi, MD answered: "The frontal hairs are different than the hairs located at the crown of the scalp. However in my experience I have seen individuals responding to the use of Avodart for the frontal hairline. My patients that have used Avodart have done well for the frontal hair line. "


S.I. asked: "Dear Dr. Khadavi: Some users on hairloss forums such as this have reported worsening of their frontal hair loss while taking dutasteride. (1)Do you think these are legitimate reports, and if so, why would this be happening? (2) Have any of the patients for which you prescribed Avodart reported this problem? (3) About how many of your patients are taking Avodart? Thank you for your reply."

Dr. Alex A Khadavi, MD answered: "The patients that I have followed primarily have had no increase in frontal hair loss while on Avodart. These patients include my own patients and patients enrolled in the Avodart study over 3 years ago."

Slightly encouraging...


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Also as I've said before, expecially if you're using minoxidil, the area which responds better is that directly under the temples, which may lead to the cosmetic appearance of recession.


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iamnaked said:
Also as I've said before, expecially if you're using minoxidil, the area which responds better is that directly under the temples, which may lead to the cosmetic appearance of recession.

I definitely agree with that statement. I don't use dutasteride, I use finasteride and minoxidil, but the hair just under the temples has sprouted, darkened, and moved forward so rapidly I initially thought my temple points had suddenly receded more. On closer inspection I realized the temples had stayed put (even better maybe) and the new hair underneath is what caused the illusion.


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Great Post

Always great to hear encouraging material like this


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I'm on dutas EOD, and I think my front third is getting a lot thinner. There still is a trail going back to the crown. But what is interesting is there is a day and night dividing line between the thin front third, and the back thick hairs. No matter how I style, I can't cover the line since my back hairs are not long enough to comb forwards. I've really slacked off on my topicals, so I can't blame them. Maybe it is a minoxidil quiting shed, though I remember my base line being much denser than this.


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I'm in the same boat at CCS. I've been on avodart for two months, and over the last couple weeks I've noticed the front third really starting to thin out. It's odd how profound the thinning is on the front third compared to the rest. My hair is very thin all around, but there definitley is a difference since I started on avodart. I'm using spironolactone once a day about 4 times a week, so I think I may bump it up to twice a day. I also just ordered some tricomin and am considering flutamide.


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Personally, I don't care if dutasteride does make the front 1/3 receed faster. AS long as it holds the back 2/3 rock steady, I can just get a BHT to fix the front 1/3. Now I'm thankful that I have a ton of thick chest/abdomen hair. I just need dutasteride to hold the back 2/3 ground for 10+ years...In hopes something better comes down the pike.



Can dutasteride makes the Hairs on the Sides shedd?
an makes it thinner?



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hello!! I m from spain. I m sorry if my english is sooo bad but i m trying learning english ^^.

I have used finasteride (finax) for 6 month and some times i use minoxidil in front area.

until the moment my front is going to be thin. Maybe Shedding....

Now i m taking dutas (1 month). I used it 3 times at week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday ).

I have been able to see how my frontal hair is becoming thin.

Could be cause of the telogenean phase?

Could do dutas fall faster the frontal hair....shedding....?

Thank you, and i hope that you can understand my poor english ><


if you quit it after only 3 months then you are making a huge mistake in my opinion. do it, and your hair may never come back.


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Are you safer from dutasteride frontal thinning if you're using topical treatments like spironolactone and tricomin?


Fat-Elvis said:
Are you safer from dutasteride frontal thinning if you're using topical treatments like spironolactone and tricomin?

some people say to use spironolactone but the people still havent given me a real explanation for why they think dutasteride causes any frontal thinning. the explanation that they sometimes give is that the front is more sensitive to androgens, and so the 104% increase in scalp testosterone noted in rittmaster's study would cause frontal thinning. but dht is far more damaging to the hair than plain old testosterone and dutasteride reduces the follicular DHT by over 90%. so there's no question, in my mind at least, that dutasteride doesn't make the hair worse off unless you have some kind of weird medical reaction to it. if this was as common as people think it is, it should have been noted in the trials.


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Yes, according to some you are safer from frontal thinning if you use one of those products. If you search around you'll find the reasons why.

Even if the trials and technical data say there is no reason why dutasteride should cause frontal loss, how can you explain so many people complaining about it? Sure, most people come here to complain about things and find answers to their problems; misery loves company. But when talking about a drug like avodart, your average guy who doesn't use the computer probably knows very little about it, let alone how to get it. That's why I think that people who are having success probably found out about avodart from one of these forums and would come back to forums somewhere and write about their success. Especially where things are cloudy regarding frontal loss. At first I did think the frontal loss was some internet rumor, but now I'm starting to believe it as it's happening to me. Other then the known sides for finasteride, I haven't seen a centralized complaint about finasteride like the frontal shedding and dutasteride. Yes, there are plenty of success stories out there, but I can't recall any success stories from people who had severe shedding in the front. Obviously, this is just my opinion.


bopper said:
Yes, according to some you are safer from frontal thinning if you use one of those products. If you search around you'll find the reasons why.

Even if the trials and technical data say there is no reason why dutasteride should cause frontal loss, how can you explain so many people complaining about it? Sure, most people come here to complain about things and find answers to their problems; misery loves company. But when talking about a drug like avodart, your average guy who doesn't use the computer probably knows very little about it, let alone how to get it. That's why I think that people who are having success probably found out about avodart from one of these forums and would come back to forums somewhere and write about their success. Especially where things are cloudy regarding frontal loss. At first I did think the frontal loss was some internet rumor, but now I'm starting to believe it as it's happening to me. Other then the known sides for finasteride, I haven't seen a centralized complaint about finasteride like the frontal shedding and dutasteride. Yes, there are plenty of success stories out there, but I can't recall any success stories from people who had severe shedding in the front. Obviously, this is just my opinion.

I just told you my success story. If you want to ignore it fine, but I'm telling you that i had a nasty frontal shed from avodart in september/october and the hair grew back. It's still not completely filled in but it's still better than it was before starting any treatments, and that's really all I could ask for- improvement.

Why would people come back to the forums and write about their success? I know you think that might happen but seriously it is rare for people to come back to do that. Look at how few success stories we have in that section of the forum. 193. 193 success stories out of 13449 registered users. so only 1% of members have posted a success story. Are we to take that to mean that only 1% of members found success with the treatments? Of course not. For people genuinely using the Big 3, the success rate of at least maintenance(cessation of hair loss) is probably around 85%. People use the forums to glean knowledge, start using the products, they have success, and then they leave. They see no reason to continue to spend time on here when their own problems have fixed. I cannot fault them for this.

I continue to spend time on here even though my hair is improving a lot, because I like helping people. There are a few people on here who are like me, but like I said, most people who have success just stop posting. They really have no real reason to anymore.


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I'm on finasteride and considering switching to dutasteride, but i have some questions:

1. Presumably, i already have somewhat elevated testosterone levels from finasteride, will that make a dutasteride shed worse? Did everyone here switch from finasteride originally?

2. How strongly will a frontal shed affect my appearance?

3. Will generic dutasteride work as well/cause a greater shed?

4. Is there a corelation between dosage and the incidence of a frontal shed?

Thanks in advance for the help.


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I am taking dutas 3 times to the week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday). I am scared of which the frontal falls because of dutas, I hope that no. At the moment, I have been single 1 month, now am alternating dutas with finasteride (I use finasteride Tuesdays, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday).

I am going to you to be commenting that so goes to me.

I hope that you understand my english (google translate).

See you!