Dupa Hair Loss Is The Worst Type Of Loss..


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DUPA hair loss or retrograde alopecia is the worst. Literally no treatment will work.

No stable donor area. Hair all over your head thins.

finasteride or dutasteride can only slow it down. Your only hope is that it can stabilize your donor area even than most hair transplant doctors won't transplant.

Evidence meds don't work for DUPA because it isn't DHT related.

Severe itch and burning scalp pain.

Literally your only hope is a full lace cap wig.

Never thought i'd say I wish I just had normal male pattern baldness...



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A lot of people with Androgenetic Alopecia or male pattern baldness have mild forms of retrograde alopecia

I have mild retro on one of my sides. Its not evident when short but nof igrow my sides out there is density, and texture difference.. also grows slower.

Diffusing in general is the worst type of air loss. Hair never looks good once it's passed a moderate stage. Any style looks bad except a very short buzz.

With male pattern baldness you can bald gracefully if you have decent density.


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The only saving grace is that concealers work amazing for diffuse thinners. They can really mask it. But that won't last forever..


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The only saving grace is that concealers work amazing for diffuse thinners. They can really mask it. But that won't last forever..

It works but who wants to be a toppik prisoner
A nuisance. Once you go from sprinkles to abuse you are recreating an identity that everyone recognizes you by. Becoming more stressful over time as everyone around you registers you In a certain way. Over time you will become more and more paranoid over concealing and limit yourself no diffrently then a comb over and hat prisoner.

Its constant agony and bullshit in different loopholes that lead back to the same bullshit we endure on a daily basis

People think concealers are good but I think they are more nerve wracking then they are rewarding. Then what? One day your powder puff doo is off, and suspicion is raised from the overly chalk looking appearance.

Its all bullshit. The only real solution is transplants, and drugs to buy us time. Even if the result is thin there is no magic tricks involved and we can live our lives.

That toppik stuff works for touch ups, but eventually people get to the point where they revolve there life around it and puff themselves up to look like a walking chalk figure. It looks fake when over done.


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Translate DUPA from polish to english in google. Funny....


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It means *** in Polish. Figures hey...

This is such f*****g bullshit.

I have no quality of life anymore.

I know life isnt all about looks.

And life is short. But this is just such a disadvantage...


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It means *** in Polish. Figures hey...

This is such f*****g bullshit.

I have no quality of life anymore.

I know life isnt all about looks.

And life is short. But this is just such a disadvantage...

It sucks, but finding ways to cope helps numb the pain. Video games, weed and frequent ejaculation through p**rn seem to be the most common trends


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It sucks, but finding ways to cope helps numb the pain. Video games, weed and frequent ejaculation through p*rn seem to be the most common trends

I just know what i'd be capable of with the confidence of a full head of hair.

This sh*t hand we are dealt in life. Just makes it feel like a life wasted. The quality of women we can attract goes severely down. Unless our only compensation is to get ripped and huge which only heightens or attractiveness a little.

A woman would take an average bodied guy with a full head of hair than a jacked up bald man.

And the media and Hollywood pushes it down women's throats that a bald man is inferior.

I've been chatting with this girl who i've known for a while. She knew me before my hair started severely diffusing. We still talk. She knows that I'm having hair issues and she says she doesn't care. She still finds me attractive.

It still doesn't make me feel any better knowing how I could like with a full head of hair.

Only black guys or dark skinned guys can pull off the look. It just does not look right for a caucasian man unless you have perfect facial aesthetics.

I've been to a hair transplant specialist and he said to use finasteride to strengthen my hair for a year and than come back and see him for a year to reassess.

But this was before my sides and my back started thinning.

I have decent facial aesthetics and a string jaw line and a good shaped head so I probably wouldn't look hideous. But if a transplant is out of the question I will look into SMP.

f*****g genetics man...

It was my my mother's mother's father who passed this on to me.

Looking at pictures. He didn't even have a horse shoe. Just slick bald.

I just don't understand how I got it and my uncle didn't get the gene...

Luck of the f*****g draw.


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I look at my 82 year old grandfather.

NW1. Hair has thinned obviously but intact and still black.

Got to live his life with a full head of hair. He still slicks it back with hair spray.


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I just know what i'd be capable of with the confidence of a full head of hair.

This sh*t hand we are dealt in life. Just makes it feel like a life wasted. The quality of women we can attract goes severely down. Unless our only compensation is to get ripped and huge which only heightens or attractiveness a little.

A woman would take an average bodied guy with a full head of hair than a jacked up bald man.

And the media and Hollywood pushes it down women's throats that a bald man is inferior.

I've been chatting with this girl who i've known for a while. She knew me before my hair started severely diffusing. We still talk. She knows that I'm having hair issues and she says she doesn't care. She still finds me attractive.

It still doesn't make me feel any better knowing how I could like with a full head of hair.

Only black guys or dark skinned guys can pull off the look. It just does not look right for a caucasian man unless you have perfect facial aesthetics.

I've been to a hair transplant specialist and he said to use finasteride to strengthen my hair for a year and than come back and see him for a year to reassess.

But this was before my sides and my back started thinning.

I have decent facial aesthetics and a string jaw line and a good shaped head so I probably wouldn't look hideous. But if a transplant is out of the question I will look into SMP.

f*****g genetics man...

It was my my mother's mother's father who passed this on to me.

Looking at pictures. He didn't even have a horse shoe. Just slick bald.

I just don't understand how I got it and my uncle didn't get the gene...

Luck of the f*****g draw.
Getting big and ripped will increase your attractiveness by a point. Takes many years to obtain this level of aesthetics though.

Women talk sh*t. Is she sucking your dick or just giving you hope talk and feeding your ego with what you want to hear?

For me personally having a handsome face is not enough. I simply want to be better then most men I encounter. Being ripped and jacked helps.

When you are truly good looking, walking down the street a lot of women will lock eyes and smile. They will sometimes go out of there way to make small talk and make statements for conversation starters. Giggle at everyrhing you say and have that wide eyed mouth open f*** me look. They will message you on dating apps, not the other way around. Always texting and seeing trying to make themselves available.

It sucks chasing tail. I have realised how easy it is when a girl rele likes you compared to those testing the waters.

I simply don't waste my time if a chick isn't alll over. Generally women will always make themselves available and be texting you constantly if they are into you. The moment you feel like you are chasing or looking for material to work with is when you lost.

It's frustrating


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She's being honest. I saw the guy she was previously was dating and he was 100 times worse looking than I was.

However. Online dating is pretty much over if you have severe hair loss or even bald for that matter. You literally have to go out and meet people.

Unless you look amazing bald or are a black guy.

I used to get tons of messages on Tinder and POF when I had my full hair..

It hurts...


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She's being honest. I saw the guy she was previously was dating and he was 100 times worse looking than I was.

However. Online dating is pretty much over if you have severe hair loss or even bald for that matter. You literally have to go out and meet people.

Unless you look amazing bald or are a black guy.

I used to get tons of messages on Tinder and POF when I had my full hair..

It hurts...

If I do decide to shave my head i'm gonna have to start tanning and hitting the gym like crazy.

I'm still considering my options. Going for another hair transplant consult. If they officially diagnose me with DUPA I have decisions to make.


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Yeah.. just shave it off.. no big deal..

James Van Der Beek went bald for a movie.


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No offence bob, but you probably couldnt get top of the line girls anyway if your talking about getting messages on POF and Tinder- that lack of confidence alone is enough to prove my point

I love how people on here talk about how they used to pull hot girls but now they cant lol- like another post where the guy said he looked like james franco and could get girls whether they were married or not LOL - then he posts a pic of himself and what do you know? he looks like a generic goober - people have mental problems here that have nothing to do with hair loss

your best bet is to start working out and going out more bud. That will help you more than any drug can


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I am a severely diffuse Norwood 3 and thinning on the sides and back. I'm 5ft 8 and muscular. I am caucasian.

None this year. 2 women last year.

I am a toppik slave.


Bobster, start working out already - it will make you look better and feel better.

Hopefully you can get a good hair transplant and your worries will be a thing of the past.


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I have bad donor because of DUPA. A transplant is out of the question unless I somehow restart finasteride to strengthen my donor area.

I had a horrible experience with Propecia. Caused me Prostatitis.


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Morning Bobster

Do you have some pictures from your vertex and the sides? Without any pictures it's hard do understand how your situation is.


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I was diagnosed DUPA by a hair transplant doctor and finasteride have so far (11 months on it) stopped the hairloss with a bit of thickening.