Dreadlocks Killed My Scalp. My Hairline Is An Ugly Patchy Mess.


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Hi all. Found this forum in a moment of desperation today and decided to share my story.

I've been on a losing battle against hair loss for about six years.

In hindsight, i probably started losing at the corner of my temples around 18. but i was completely oblivious, and to be honest i can't even remember what my hairline looked like at full growth anymore.

So i decided to get dreads at 25 because i wanted to. At the time i was still oblivious and wanted to look awesome. I had them for six glorious years and they were amazing, but they were a death sentence to my follicles. On top of that it was impossible to notice shedding due to any shed hair staying trapped in the dreads. i in fact usually rocked the dreads with a flat cap or bandana so my scalp usually wasn't visible.

My mom kept warning me that my hair looked thin which i ignored, i just thought it was a tactic to get me to get rid of them. But after six years I finally decided they became too much of a hassle and i heard that they can accelerate hair loss timeframes from years to months, so i finally got rid of them. That was when i was 31.

After the initial cut, i discovered to my horror that my bangs had become a patchy mess, with most of them gone but a few survivors existing in patches waaay in front of the rest of my hairline. i frequently wore my dreads in a ponytail but the ponytail had pulled too tightly on many of the bangs causing them to fall out while some that weren't getting pulled on survived. The top was also noticably thinner than the sides back.

So i immediately went on a 5% minoxodil regimen that i've been on ever since. Initially i saw a lot of regrowth of baby hairs especially in the left temple area but not as much on the right, while there was still a bald spot right in the center surrounded by a few extremely resilient, fully thick strands. I actually wish those few hadn't survived because it makes the hair loss extremely noticable. But anyway i was seeing regrowth so i was optimistic and told myself i needed to be patient and wait for the other bald areas to regrow. I went through shedding and each time i told myself it was a necessary process for my hair to grow in even thicker.

Fast forward to today. It has been like 5-6 years since i started my minoxodil regimen. today I found an old pic from when i first started the treatment, and although the photo quality is bad and my hairstyle is different, i think i can say with much confidence that the top has thinned considerably more. While i still have hair up there i can clearly see to my scalp on the top of my head. Meanwhile the hairline in the center has receded even further from the surviving patches, and the areas in the temples with baby hair is expanding. And by expanding i mean not new growth where there was once baby hair, but baby hair where there was once fully grown hair! The new regrowth that i initially got has not gone away, but in general there seems to be a lot of thinning and thick healthy hair turning into thinner and thinner hair. Meanwhile the survivor patches on my forehead are as thick and resilient as ever.

So these are patterns which i have been suspecting for a few years now but have been in denial over. But i'm facing facts and gonna give the regimen an overhaul. I've been the hat guy ever since i got my dreads and don't want to be hat guy any longer. (Btw are hats bad for regrowth? Too much rubbing, not enough breathing etc with a hat on?) I am still reluctant to try propecia due to cost and possible side effects but i am open to almost anything now. Bottom line my regimen has not cut it.


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Some photos of today as well as a photo pre-dread from way back when i was 25 and a dreadlock pic.


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You have male pattern baldness, dreads or not doesn't matter.
I do but i'm positive the dreads accelerated the process. Caused lots of dandruff and pore clogging, and especially the pulling on the bangs. I've never seen it where only a few strands in the front survive but the whole rest of the hairline recedes.

Edit: here's a clearer pic taken in a mirror to show you what i'm talking about.

In the front you can see 6-8 strands of what i've been calling survivors. Due to the way the dread in the front was, those survivors didn't get pulled on much while you can see a huge bald spot right in the middle of where the dread pulled on the bangs the most.

On the temples, for whatever reason the regrowth on the left side (left side of pic due to mirror image) has been better than my right, but the large patch of baby hair has remained that way for years and is either not growing in thicker or growing thicker too slowly for me to notice. Years ago i thought i saw tiny baby hairs in the center bald patch but those have gone away. You can also see where the minoxidil is causing a little folliculitis.

I'm turning 37 this year, trying to stay optimistic but it may be too late for my bangs.


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I do but i'm positive the dreads accelerated the process. Caused lots of dandruff and pore clogging, and especially the pulling on the bangs. I've never seen it where only a few strands in the front survive but the whole rest of the hairline recedes.

Edit: here's a clearer pic taken in a mirror to show you what i'm talking about.

In the front you can see 6-8 strands of what i've been calling survivors. Due to the way the dread in the front was, those survivors didn't get pulled on much while you can see a huge bald spot right in the middle of where the dread pulled on the bangs the most.

On the temples, for whatever reason the regrowth on the left side (left side of pic due to mirror image) has been better than my right, but the large patch of baby hair has remained that way for years and is either not growing in thicker or growing thicker too slowly for me to notice. Years ago i thought i saw tiny baby hairs in the center bald patch but those have gone away.

I'm turning 37 this year, trying to stay optimistic but it may be too late for my bangs.
If you want any chance of saving your hair get on meds. The hair you can still see you may save and any regrowth in bald areas may be doubtful but minoxidil might wake up the follicles.


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You have male pattern baldness, and it's clearly effecting your mental and emotional health. You need to try finasteride


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not dreadlocks ruined ur hairline LOL

it's ur genetic and male pattern baldness


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Lol you guys are tldring my post and only reading the title. Here's the short version:

Yes i'm getting old.
Yes i have male pattern baldness.
However, yes it's also true that the dreads accelerated the rate of balding and made the hair line much more irregular than it would have been by causing a lot of dandruff, pulling on the hair.

I think i would have been perfectly fine with nw3 if the hair line wasn't so patchy and lopsided.


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Yesterday i received a shipment of tricomin spray. I got a shipment of nizoral 1% shampoo today. Can't seem to find 2% that i can buy without rx anywhere. I've also got s5 cream in transit. Thinking of ordering revivogen as well. Gonna go on a topical only regimen for a while inspired by this thread https://www.hairlosstalk.com/intera...in-prox-nizoral-topical-spironolactone.39883/

If i'm not happy with the results in 12 months i'll add finasteride to the mix. Hopefully i'll be able to post a thread in the success stories section in two years.


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gl with your regime dude, and yea dreads probably didnt help you in your situation ! btw you could probably find nizoral 2% in pharmacy but maybe by another brand name, im using one called oronazol and its pretty much same sh*t as nizoral


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gl with your regime dude, and yea dreads probably didnt help you in your situation ! btw you could probably find nizoral 2% in pharmacy but maybe by another brand name, im using one called oronazol and its pretty much same sh*t as nizoral
i can find this in any brick and mortar pharmacy? i am US based.


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1 month update. Still on a topical only regimen. Seeing new growth already! You can't see it in the pics but there are some tiny, tiny new hairs popping up in the center and right temple. They are so small you can only see them at the right angle with the right light. And i do believe the baby hairs on the left temple that were stuck at about a half centimeter long have grown to about 1 cm. Must say i can't notice any change in the diffused thinning on the top.

It's very small progress but it's only been a month! To be able to see any kind of progress in a month is pretty encouraging. I was thinking about getting a doctor's appointment for finasteride soon but with these results may see how far i can get with just topicals for now.

Unfortunately my goal is to make all survivors unnoticable. In other words, get my hairline as low as my lowest surviving terminal hairs, which would take me back to a nw1. That may not be a realistic goal at my age but so far the results have been encouraging.

Edit: nizoral is definitely helping getting rid of folliculitis. hopefully in the next few months i'll get enough results that are actually noticeable on camera.


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That's your punishment for having dreadlocks.


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ha! honestly don't regret it tho, that was a fun season in my life. either way i would have gotten male pattern baldness eventually.


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6 month update.

Still seeing progress, although the progress is slow.

So slow in fact that i'm looking at the photos and can't see a difference at all.

However, there is definitely new vellus hair popping up that wasn't there before the new regimen. The huge bald spot in the front has filled in although most of the hairs are still 1mm-3mm, barely visible. Meanwhile further up closer to the terminal hairline is a layer of vellus hair about 1cm long.

Although in the pics it's hard to notice a difference, the vellus hairs on the left temple which i wrote in this thread as originally being half a cm are now like 3/4 of an inch, with some isolated ones over an inch long.. The vellus hairline on the left temple is also creeping lower with lots of tiny baby hairs popping up.

What's concerning is the right temple. In stark contrast to the left temple, i'm struggling to see any improvement at all. The vellus hairline on the right temple is not only much higher on the right but also patchy and completely uneven.

I also haven't been able to notice any improvement in the diffused thinning on the top.

I have yet to see any vellus hair turn terminal.

No side effects to speak of at all.

Due to the slow nature of the progess and my inability to document the improvements that i do see on camera, i fluctuate in between optimism and pessimism wondering if the vellus hairs will ever go terminal or whether the right temple hairline will ever cleanly match the left. It has only been six months however so i've gotta stay patient. Still apprehensive about finasteride though.


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Just a suggestion, but you might want to buzz your hair down. With so much of your hair gone you won't see much of any regrowth. Transplant perhaps, how is your donor area?


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Just a suggestion, but you might want to buzz your hair down. With so much of your hair gone you won't see much of any regrowth. Transplant perhaps, how is your donor area?
A buzz might be a good idea, although that would eliminate the usefulness of all my before pics. My donor area has large sections of hair that only grow max two inches so i think i'm not a good transplant candidate.

I am still seeing regrowth albeit only in the hairline so i'll still continue the regimen for the full two years before i throw in the towel. Unfortunately all the regrowth i've seen in completely bald areas is literally peach fuzz in terms of length and thickness. Hopefully i'll have better news to report at the 12 month mark.