drastic impact on life


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hi everyone,ive decided to post my story up on a slightly drunken night.ok it all started when i was 15 nearly 16,i was walking home from the hairdressers after a particularly short haircut and i caught my reflection in a car.I noticed something different,i noticed straight away i was losing my hair,nothing major so i passed it off as nothing(aka denial),i did notice people looking but anyway at that stage i was in serious denial.i should mention at this stage that that i had always been acutely sensitive about my appearance since a young age due to having 5 moles on my face-nothing major but i blew it out proportion as a child.However over the years the hairloss slowly built up on my mind eroding my confidence and self esteem- i knew it was happening but kept telling myself it would stop or it was a mature hairline.It wasnt.It continued unabated,more and more i noticed people not looking at my face but my hairline,girls and boys,i surpressed and surpressed the felling of humiliation and shame and carried on.Anyway by the time i got to final year in school i excelled academically mainly due to the fact that i had been studying so hard to avoid thoughts of depression due to my hairloss.I was slowly estranging all of my friends due to my depressed ,cynical mood that pervaded my personality at the time.Not intentionally or anything but it happened.I went from a relatively happy individual with alot of friends with an extended friendship circle to NOTHING-NO RESPECT OR FRIENDSHIP.maybe i turned into an a**h** ,maybe i had bad friends but anyway it doesnt matter -it devastated my life in the end.i retreated into a shell,avoiding all my former friends and companions.I continued on academically and went to college but after 6 months it had built up too much and i dropped out.My self loathing had gone to a tipping point-i felt like a failure due to my depression which was heightened by losing my friends and everything-i was isolated and obsessed by it-i blamed all my problems on it -starting off with the depression towards a spiral downwards.And in some respects it was due to the hairloss.I felt like life as i knew it was ending-the life of happiness and self esteem was been destroyed by depression,in my view caused by the hairloss.eventually i reacted angrily.i lashed out at my parents about things that were irrelevant stuff that didnt matter-not insignificant stuff just sutff in the past that if i hadnt been in the predictament i found myself in i wouldnt of mentioned or cared about-understanding i was an immature 18 year old,eventually i had a breakdown and was hospitalised for 4 days and released on anti-depressants-what im looking for is advice-im 21 now and a nw3-and still obsessed -i dont know what to do -ANY advice is appreciated,i recognise my case is an extreme one but i did hear of people killing themselves over this issue,it must of been the last straw,i DONT want to end up like that-depressed with only one option-ive been holding on tentively for a new treatment but i see no hope,EVERYDAY is a struggle to shore up myself,never before was this apart of my life before the hairloss-anyway please help if you can..


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I was slowly estranging all of my friends due to my depressed ,cynical mood that pervaded my personality at the time. maybe i turned into an a**h** ,maybe i had bad friends but anyway it doesnt matter -it devastated my life in the end.i retreated into a shell,avoiding all my former friends and companions.I continued on academically and went to college but after 6 months it had built up too much and i dropped out.My self loathing had gone to a tipping point-i felt like a failure due to my depression which was heightened by losing my friends and everything-i was isolated and obsessed by it-i blamed all my problems on it -starting off with the depression towards a spiral downwards.eventually i reacted angrily.i lashed out at my parents about things that were irrelevant stuff that didnt matter-not insignificant stuff just sutff in the past that if i hadnt been in the predictament i found myself in i wouldnt of mentioned or cared about-understanding i was an immature 18 year old,eventually i had a breakdown and was hospitalised for 4 days and released on anti-depressants

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This is a good place to vent and get stuff off of your chest, but I am not sure if it has good therapeutic value beyond that.


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funny,just your post has somehow lifted me a wee bit-just knowing im not completely crazy and alone at this is a good thing!thanks


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No one goes crazy for their hair man.Its just some retards/ignorants not taking the proper initiative and later regretting their actions and still being ignorant.You my friend have a regimen and i will advice you to continue it.male pattern baldness is just nature's way of saying LETS SEE SOME TEARS HERE.You my friend are not depressed but angry due to this challenge.Stand up and live your life and give mother nature THE FINGER.Its this simple but most just give up coz they don't get their results fast and quit and as expected drown in their misery.Good luck
@anybody saying
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