Dr Zarev Vacuum Assisted Tecnique For Graft Extraction


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Donor looks pretty faultless for 10K+.

Dude, this is crazy. Considering I look like the first picture and despite trying to "accept" my baldness for years now, I still feel like sh*t and have never felt worse about my appearance...if this is real sign me up for this immediately. The only challenge will be the cost but hopefully there'd be some way to finance it or get a bit of assistance somehow. Going to need more information on this doctor and procedure.


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Need more talk about this asap. This could be the ideal time for me to travel and have something like this done being my life is relatively on hold during the covid pandemic. Maybe I'll message him on Instagram about it.


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Need more talk about this asap. This could be the ideal time for me to travel and have something like this done being my life is relatively on hold during the covid pandemic. Maybe I'll message him on Instagram about it.

If you decide on a procedure please document it here or on another forum! It would be tremendously valuable for future prospective patients of his like myself.


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Wonder if this technique is also available in Turkey for a much cheaper price...

...or in the USA...which would be far more convenient...

If you decide on a procedure please document it here or on another forum! It would be tremendously valuable for future prospective patients of his like myself.

I am really trying to get something going because I've struggled with balding at a young age for so long now. I don't care what people say...sure, some guys can go bald and be fine, but not me. Unfortunately I have an extreme case that made me a Norwood 6 by age 22. I always just ignored it because I was busy with life and college and didn't think there was much I could do about it. And I still feel like I have very limited options because of how aggressive it is. But recently I decided that unless I have something done I will never feel fully OK about myself.

First step for me personally is to meet with a primary care doctor and have blood work done (haven't ever really had it done) to make sure all my levels are OK and that my baldness hasn't been accelerated by any other health factors. Then, I'm going to see where I can have a transplant done. I'm confident my donor region will be decent. Anything is better than the horseshoe pattern I have now.

The issue is going to be the cost. I simply do not have the money up front for a hair transplant. I have no idea how I'm going to have one then. I will have to look into if there are ways to finance it. Or, and I hate to even think about this, but if a bunch of people were willing to donate like $10-$50 to a gofundme or something for my extreme case of baldness at young age, it would maybe make the difference and allow me to have it done. But I've never asked anyone for money before, ever, for anything. So I don't know how I feel about that.


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If you have a job you should be able to get a loan for enough to get a transplant in Turkey, but it won't as good as these. If I were in your position I'd just keep saving up for Tissuse to hopefully come out in a few years. You will still be young.

That was the plan but I've really been suffering lately and want to have something done asap. Sure I will still be young in a few years, if TissUse comes out, but I don't care about much in life beyond a few important things, and I really feel that I need to fix my appearance now. TissUse could be quite expensive too. A good hair transplant now could essentially fix all my confidence and personal issues by next year, and then I could have TissUse or whatever else comes out down the road to make it even better in the future. We'll see.


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A couple years is still too long for me to wait, I've decided. I don't need perfect hair, but I've decided I can't have my horseshoe at age 24 any longer. I guess I'll be heading over to the hair transplant forum to begin finding a doctor and place that can give me a good result. I don't care if I'll carry the financial debt for a long time. It'll be worth it to feel alive again.
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I must say these results are absolutely amazing - the best coverage I’ve ever seen as well as the best crown work I’ve ever seen - perfect whirl patterns, and most surgeons really struggle with the crown. Hairline work is good (though I do think Rahal’s hairline work is better). Overall, probably the best I’ve seen. From the website:

AVA FUE technique is the automatic vacuum-assisted extraction of follicular units from zones that are unaffected by hair loss. It is a perfected, variant of the motorized FUE technique. The size of the punch used (0,5 - 0,8 mm) enables extracting “pure” follicular units without unnecessary tissue attached. As the grafts are small and without unnecessary tissue on them, it is possible to achieve natural hair density: in our experience, we have transplanted more than 60 follicular units per square centimetre when necessary. Vacuum-assisted extraction guarantees the high quality of micrografts, because it reduces to a minimum the risk of damage to them when the punch enters the scalp and then separates the graft from the scalp.

The lack of mechanical trauma to the grafts with AVA FUE technique, and the precision of the process, significantly increases the percentage of surviving micrografts: our results are in the range of 95% - 98%.

AVA FUE technique considerably shortens the first stage (extraction of donor material) and makes it possible to harvest a greater number of micrografts while causing the patient less discomfort.


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The only problem is that we dont have forum members experiences and that he is the only doctor that does this (which makes it sounds scammy)


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The only problem is that we dont have forum members experiences and that he is the only doctor that does this (which makes it sounds scammy)

He seems to have Dr. Rassman's endorsement, so I don't think there's anything scammy going on.


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It seems like it’s truly an improvement of graft survival rate and minimally invasive graft extraction from the donor area. It makes sense that 60% of grafts should be able to be harvested from the donor area without being obvious since the old saying goes “you lose 50% of your hair before you even begin to notice thinning”. And a high survival rate allows a surgeon to do more with less. I’d be curious to know what the average graft survival rate % is for most surgeons but I suspect it’s much lower than 90%. For me, these pics really demonstrate the potential of FUE and the only sad part is that the vast majority of surgeons’ work comes nowhere close to this.

John Difool

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I guess it's like mechanics. There are good and bad ones. I'd be curious to see how this vaccum extraction follicle looks like. Sounds like right out of a sci-fi movie.


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I just don't see why all FUE doctors wouldn't be able to do this then if the technology is available.

Also, Zarev answered my Instagram message just to say I can email pictures and information about my situation.

I also contacted Dr. Carlos Wesley in NYC who seems to be a very highly rated USA doctor but his office said they're only doing virtual consultations right now.


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The tech he is using seems like adding a suction pump to a motorized punch. Since his punch size gets pretty small (0.5 mm), it would make sense to have the additional suction mechanism to help extract the smaller graft without much trauma. If he uses a direct hair transplantation (DHT) technique, then the smaller graft has a better chance of surviving since its not outside of the body too long. Larger grafts surround the follicle with more tissue, allowing it to survive longer. His work looks good because he is able to effectively use a smaller punch, which leaves less scarring and can increase density in the recipient area. That's what I believe, anyways.


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I’ve seen his name and many of his cases for well over a year now.

Joe Tillman also spoke about his results and how he has never seen anything like it either. Also, he is a member of the IAHRS. Due to all that, I do not think it is a scam.

With that being said, I also do not think it is as promising as everyone is making it out to be. There are probably exact conditions that allow results like this. My rationale is that there are a ton a multi-millionaries who are NW6-7 that would pay anything to get it done. You’re telling me they just don't know about this guy, but we do?


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I’ve seen his name and many of his cases for well over a year now.

Joe Tillman also spoke about his results and how he has never seen anything like it either. Also, he is a member of the IAHRS. Due to all that, I do not think it is a scam.

With that being said, I also do not think it is as promising as everyone is making it out to be. There are probably exact conditions that allow results like this. My rationale is that there are a ton a multi-millionaries who are NW6-7 that would pay anything to get it done. You’re telling me they just don't know about this guy, but we do?
It's not promising because of the particular doctor, but because of the tecnical advancement that will be shared to other doctors in the future


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It's not promising because of the particular doctor, but because of the tecnical advancement that will be shared to other doctors in the future
Has he ever said anything about his tech(nique)? Maybe did a presentation or write a blog?

John Difool

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The subjects that he used to demonstrate results seem to all have dark thick hair. Is it just a coincidence?


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The subjects that he used to demonstrate results seem to all have dark thick hair. Is it just a coincidence?

Those are the people that almost all surgeons use to demonstrate their results. See Cuoto, Hasson and Wong, whoever. Unfortunately, fine-haired people are rarely suitable for a transplant at the high Norwood level.