Dr. William Rassman Says Dht Levels Don't Have Anything To Do With finasteride/dutasteride Success


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Can someone explain why some people have either normal or even high levels of DHT after taking finasteride/dutasteride?

I've been seeing a lot of these posts pop up. On Reddit, here, and asked about on Dr. Rassman's blog:

Example 1:

"Of course. Increasing the DHT levels has nothing to do with the effectiveness of either finasteride or dutasteride and that is why I never get DHT levels when I prescribe finasteride."

Example 2:

"You are having a normal response. That is the reason I don’t get blood tests as it has nothing really to do with the impact of finasteride that you can expect to see."

His responses seem rather shallow. Obviously the people asking him about the issue are curious about WHY their DHT levels are normal still or even high.

Yet, he doesn't explain further.

And his answer is odd too. Anyone able to elaborate?

Here For the Lulz

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I assume because he distilling his statements down so they can be comprehended by sub-basement level minds. Lowest common denominator - he’s trying to make money, people like to feel like they understand something before they agree to it even if they don’t have a f*****g clue.

On the other hand, if you read his stuff anywhere, he never elaborates on sh*t and his advice is always the exact same thing, so I’m not sure what the f*** his deal is.