Dr. Lee's minoxidil is less than 65 ml!!!


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I have two unopend bottles but I dont have an exact calibration device. Maybe I will go to the store and buy a calibration device.

Fact remains though I only got 20 applications out of the bottle and like I said it only applies 3/4 ml at a time and I have skipped a day or two here and there so the actual figure is less than 20 apps.

"Ah yeah, hello Dr. Lee my dog has to take a sh*t"


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Well you could use an approximation... use the dropper to measure off 1ml of liquid 65 times. If you're anything less than 62 or greater than 68 you kow they have some issues.


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I will measure a full, unopened bottle of Kirkland and a full, unopened bottle of Lee's that I recieved a month ago tonight when I'm home from work.

I will pour both bottles into seperate (but identical) 16 oz. plastic cups. I will post the results as soon as I have them. No counting squirts, no inaccurate weighing - just volume to volume in identical containers.


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Fair enough Axon, what shall we do if Lee is full of sh*t??? He is no better than Lewenberg. I bet he will email me back and say something like "Due to the evaprotion qualities of alcohol you will loose about 25% of the solution over the course of a month."

Cant wait to see the results- me predicts axon finds 51lm in his Xandros test.


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Redbone said:
Fair enough Axon, what shall we do if Lee is full of sh*t??? He is no better than Lewenberg. I bet he will email me back and say something like "Due to the evaprotion qualities of alcohol you will loose about 25% of the solution over the course of a month."

Cant wait to see the results- me predicts axon finds 51lm in his Xandros test.

I wouldn't be surprised....:( Keep in mind that I have Lee's standard 5% minoxidil, not Xandrox.

I still like Lee's product too much to stop ordering. It's quick dry time is extremely convinent.

I suggest an e-mail campaign if the results are 51 ml to 60+ ml.


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Yes, and I have already sent one as I know another poster has also... All cusomers of Lee's should post.


Axon said:
I still like Lee's product too much to stop ordering. It's quick dry time is extremely convinent.

I suggest an e-mail campaign if the results are 51 ml to 60+ ml.

Yeah i like Dr. Lees minoxidil in the AM too much to stop using it...i think if the other posters on HLH and Hairsite were aware of this as well, Dr. Lee might be getting a lot of emails about this matter.


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Redbone I wish you hadn't used the exact 51ml estimate that I gave him. It's going to sound like his company is precisely shorting the amount rather than just being sloppy. Let's not just raid the guy with responses. I said I sent him an email - let's wait before we all jump on the bandwagon. He is a lot less likely to give anyone a compensation if everyone makes claims that aren't as precise as my own. Here is the text of my first letter:

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Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2003 20:37:51 -0800 (PST)
From: "
Subject: Volume of product in your PG free minoxidil.
To: RichardLeeMD@earthlink.net

Dr. Lee,
When I received the order referenced below I was
surprised at the apparent amount of Minoxidil solution
in the container; it seemed less than the amount I
typically found in a store-bought version. I decided
to suspend judgement for the moment, reasoning that
any number of factors could contribute to the apparent
difference but also decided to monitor both the number
and precision of the dosages. I used a dropper
applicator with a 1ml line and was always careful to
measure a precise dose, right to the bottom of the
meniscus. Tonight I decided it might be time to
reorder so I decided to measure out the remaining
amount. The total volume when adding the already
applied doses to the remaining doses was 51 ml. A 21%
difference is not insignificant. I had once read a
thread on a hairloss forum whose posters are frequent
customers of yours that they recently noticed a
decrease in the volume of the spironolactone cream in the
containers they received. Remembering this, I decided
to check out the forums and amazingly enough, the
fourth most current post was someone claiming the
exact same thing about the amount of solution in the
minoxidil order they recently received (though their
assessment wasn't exactly scientific). In any case,
the capacity for accurate measurement by the packagers
of your products is highly suspect. I plan on
reordering soon but want to be sure I'll be getting
what I pay for and that some form of compensation for
my previous purchase will be forthcoming.

I also have a question for you regarding the
application of the spironolactone 5% cream. About how much
cream is necessary for adequate saturation of roughly
20 sq inches of scalp? A 1/2 teaspoon? A teaspoon?
Is it simply necessary to see even the slightest oily
deposit to know you've got adequate coverage?

Thanks for your time and consideration and I'm at
least happy to report that the PG free minoxidil has
solved the irritation problems.

His response and my subsequent response are:

> Thank you for your inquiry.
> There should be a minimum of 65 mL of solution in
> each bottle. This
> amount does not fill the 3 oz HDPE plastic bottle,
> which has a capacity
> of ~90 mL. Therefore, the bottle never appears
> filled when it is
> opened.
> If there has been leakage from the bottle, there
> will be a whitish,
> crystalline precipitate around the cap.
> It may not be possible for you measure the amount of
> liquid from this
> bottle because you have used some of it, but you
> could do so with your
> next order. The amount should be at least 65 mL (or
> ~2 oz). If it is
> less, I would be happy to send you a replacement
> bottle.

I thought I made it clear that I didn't ultimately
judge the volume based on "feel." I said that since I
was suspicious of the quantity at the outset I decided
to be extremely precise in my applications. I used a
dropper with a 1ml measuring line and always measured
the amount so that the bottom of the meniscus was
right at the line. I made exactly 27 applications and
when I measured the remaining solution last night, it
came to exactly 24ml. That's 51 ml. Even allowing
for 2ml of leakage (which was not apparent at the
screwtop) and a measuring error of 3ml (which is
highly unlikely), that is still 9 ml short of the
mark. I'm well-schooled enough in chemistry to make
the likelihood of a measurement error of that
magnitude highly improbable.
I'll await your response before deciding whether or
not I will reorder.
Yours Truly,


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I just did it and here are The Results!
I have actually measured my unopened container with a 1ml droper and I have ended up with a bit more over 65ml.
However, this is from my order that was more than two months ago, so I dont know what good would my measure do if this has started only recently?


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MGDpublix my email is based on fact not on your experience, I personally do not take peoples opinions to heart. I posted several days ago that I believed that there was less than 65ml in the bottle as mine only lasted 19 days instead of the 32 he states. With my calculations of the amount of days I used the formula at 3/4 ML it comes out to 51ml per bottle.

Who gives a sh*t about compenstation??? Shorting the customer is common practice in this field. Maybe he will stop screwing people if this is infact what is going on and it appears to be so, your not the only one who has posted on this thread mgd in fact this is my thread from a week back- stating the shortness of formula, so your a day late and a dollar short buddy. If this guys business practices are unethical he is no better than Dr. Lewenberg. Although I do like his product- but is it really that much better than 5% minoxidil? According to Hairloss Doctor's Ive spoken with, no.


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Well, as soon as I get some results, I'll post the results. I have some month old bottles of Lee's minoxidil and a year-old bottle of non-ppg from Lee.


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Redbone said:
MGDpublix my email is based on fact not on your experience, I personally do not take peoples opinions to heart. I posted several days ago that I believed that there was less than 65ml in the bottle as mine only lasted 19 days instead of the 32 he states. With my calculations of the amount of days I used the formula at 3/4 ML it comes out to 51ml per bottle.

Who gives a sh*t about compenstation??? Shorting the customer is common practice in this field. Maybe he will stop screwing people if this is infact what is going on and it appears to be so, your not the only one who has posted on this thread mgd in fact this is my thread from a week back- stating the shortness of formula, so your a day late and a dollar short buddy. If this guys business practices are unethical he is no better than Dr. Lewenberg. Although I do like his product- but is it really that much better than 5% minoxidil? According to Hairloss Doctor's Ive spoken with, no.

Well I took this to mean that you used my estimation:

Recently there have been statements on hair sites that state you are not putting the full 65ml in your product and the full amount is more like 51ml as measured by several customers.

Why do I compare about compensation? Easy. I want what I pay for. I expect a good faith half bottle or so of solution if I order again. By the way, where is this post of yours from several days ago? I'm curious to see how many people independently came to the same conclusion.


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Mgd I am lazy your going to have to scroll back and find it yourself its about a week old.

Incidentally Dr. Lee told me that the bottles should all be 65ml and if they are not he would send a new bottle. He also told me to check and measure each bottle I received.

I was impressed and surprised with the mans integrity.


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If this is true hell with giving me back the money for all the stuff i've purchased from him ,i'll just take the keys to one of the beachfront home's i've helped purchase for him.


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Sorry about not getting this done last night. As soon as I have some time, I'll measure the two.


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I just started using Dr. Lee's minoxidil 5%. I don't think he is intentionally screwing anybody, but it could be his supplier. He doesn't mail the stuf fout himself, he has some other guy who does it. I was a little skeptical of this guy from the begining. Mainly because I sent a huge email tot he default email address and he just told me to email dr lee, sort of chapped my ***. Anyway, my minoxidil seems a little short but i have nothing to measure it. I am only taking it 1x a day, and I have started less then a month ago, it is definetely more then half way done... I like Dr. lee he makes it convienent and makes great products, but wtf..


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Based on my prior conversations and experience with him over the years I think Dr. Lee is legit. However, I think we should all order a bottle around the same time and measure it. If the supplier is screwing us, Dr. Lee probably doesn't know and would like to. He's always been a great help, always willing to answer any question you have. He has never bashed another product to me, even when I asked about it. All this being said I'm getting worried my bottle is short, I've been thinking this for about a week now. I am willing to reorder one more bottle to measure.