Dr. Lee & Cu peptides


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I emailed Dr. Lee a while back about Cu peptides and he basically told me that using them for hairloss is a waste of time. He said they may help with inflammation, but will not slow down hairloss or provide regrowth. However, Dr. Loren Pickart (sp???) swears that Cu peptides inhibit DHT and provide such things as maintanance and regrowth. How could two medical doctors have such conflicting opinions?????? Is it due to the fact that Dr. Lee knows nothing on Cu peptides and should not be saying anything about them??


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1. It may not be Dr. Lee's expertise.

2. It's a reflection that, for the most part, we have no idea what causes balding or what can really stop it.


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Everybody please feel free to email Dr. Lee the following citations from the book "Dermatologic Research Techniques", CRC Press, 1996! :wink:

These are three consecutive chapters in the book:

Chapter 16: "Phototrichogram Analysis of Hair Follicle Stimulation: A Pilot Clinical Study with a Peptide-Copper Complex" Ronald E. Trachy, Leonard M. Patt, Gordon M. Duncan, and Bernard Kalis. This was done on *human* subjects with male pattern baldness. Both total and anagen hair density increased significantly (anagen hair: +39%) with the larger topical dose of copper-peptide (glycyl-histidine-lysine-valine-phenyalanine-valine), especially when compared to total and anagen hair density LOSSES in the placebo-treated group.

Chapter 17: "Quantitative Assessment of Peptide-Copper Complex Induced Hair Follicle Stimulation Using the Fuzzy Rat" Ronald E. Trachy, Hideo Uno, Shelley Packard, and Leonard M. Patt. This was done on rats. Copper peptides significantly stimulated hair growth, compared to vehicle.

Chapter 18: "Evaluation of Telogen Hair Follicle Stimulation Using an In Vivo Model: Results with peptide-Copper Complexes" Ronald E. Trachy, Erika D. Timpe, Irene Dunwiddie, and Leonard M. Patt. This was on mice. Copper peptides significantly stimulated hair growth in mice, compared to vehicle; it also exceeded the growth induced by 2% topical minoxidil, which was also tested.



Bryan said:
Everybody please feel free to email Dr. Lee the following citations from the book "Dermatologic Research Techniques", CRC Press, 1996! :wink:

These are three consecutive chapters in the book:

Chapter 16: "Phototrichogram Analysis of Hair Follicle Stimulation: A Pilot Clinical Study with a Peptide-Copper Complex" Ronald E. Trachy, Leonard M. Patt, Gordon M. Duncan, and Bernard Kalis. This was done on *human* subjects with male pattern baldness. Both total and anagen hair density increased significantly (anagen hair: +39%) with the larger topical dose of copper-peptide (glycyl-histidine-lysine-valine-phenyalanine-valine), especially when compared to total and anagen hair density LOSSES in the placebo-treated group.

Chapter 17: "Quantitative Assessment of Peptide-Copper Complex Induced Hair Follicle Stimulation Using the Fuzzy Rat" Ronald E. Trachy, Hideo Uno, Shelley Packard, and Leonard M. Patt. This was done on rats. Copper peptides significantly stimulated hair growth, compared to vehicle.

Chapter 18: "Evaluation of Telogen Hair Follicle Stimulation Using an In Vivo Model: Results with peptide-Copper Complexes" Ronald E. Trachy, Erika D. Timpe, Irene Dunwiddie, and Leonard M. Patt. This was on mice. Copper peptides significantly stimulated hair growth in mice, compared to vehicle; it also exceeded the growth induced by 2% topical minoxidil, which was also tested.


I love it! Bryan is like Galactus from DC comics (or was that marvel)! Engulf him!! ENGULF HIM!! :D


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It is written in the book of Nostradomus: "Dr. Lee shall rue the day that Bryan Shelton becometh interested in hairloss." :D


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Lee has some good ideas, he's just undisciplined. I love his products and I think he's good to have around.

Old Baldy

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Two doctors with such conflicting opinions is really irritating.

Copper peptides have been around for two decades now and clearly help for skin health and healing. Back around 1990 I got a bad burn working on my car. The doctor gave me a prescription for a topical medicine that had copper in it. It worked like a charm and I healed faster than anytime I had a burn before. (I can't remember if it was a cream or liquid though.)

So when I heard about Folligen from you guys I bought some to use after I got my hair transplant. I figured it would help in healing, etc. I think it did but have no reference point to say so because it was my first hair transplant and I used copper right from the start.

Dr. Pickart has been working with copper peptides, etc., for about 40 years now. He should know much more about this than Dr. Lee does.

However, I've never heard any individual say copper peptides gave them regrowth to any meaningful extent (yet). So once again, this layman is CONFUSED. I'll still use Folligen since it isn't expensive and copper is good for the skin. There's no doubt anymore about that.

D***, if I was this contradictory on my job I would have been fired 25 years ago for Godsakes.


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Old Baldy said:
Two doctors with such conflicting opinions is really irritating.

Copper peptides have been around for two decades now and clearly help for skin health and healing. Back around 1990 I got a bad burn working on my car. The doctor gave me a prescription for a topical medicine that had copper in it. It worked like a charm and I healed faster than anytime I had a burn before. (I can't remember if it was a cream or liquid though.)

So when I heard about Folligen from you guys I bought some to use after I got my hair transplant. I figured it would help in healing, etc. I think it did but have no reference point to say so because it was my first hair transplant and I used copper right from the start.

Dr. Pickart has been working with copper peptides, etc., for about 40 years now. He should know much more about this than Dr. Lee does.

However, I've never heard any individual say copper peptides gave them regrowth to any meaningful extent (yet). So once again, this layman is CONFUSED. I'll still use Folligen since it isn't expensive and copper is good for the skin. There's no doubt anymore about that.

D***, if I was this contradictory on my job I would have been fired 25 years ago for Godsakes.

I think its with CU peptides like with Nizoral - won't do much on it's own, but is a very helpful add to any regimen.


Cassin said:
On a side note, anyone noticing the guy is over filling his Minoxidil as of late? So far my last 4 bottles are running about 6 days over. Very happy with this! :)

Doctor Lee's minoxidil formulations come in 65ml bottles not 60ml (like Rogaine) so it should last a little longer.


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Yeah, when 2 experts disagree on something, it can be quite confusing to the layman. From what I've read, Dr. Lee respects Dr. Pickart, he just disagrees with him.

I too have been using Folligen lotion since it's so cheap and can only help I figure. It's doesn't burn or stain my head green thankfully. I just got my 5% Xandrox today so hopefully this will be a winning combination for me in my post-finasteride era.

Bryan, have you ever thought about a polite e-mail debate with Dr. Lee? I'm sure the members here would dig that! :)


I believe Dr. Lee and Dr. Pickart both used to be big players on the gay-S&M scene, they got together for a few months in 1986 (Pickart was the submissive I have been told) but fell out over some petty argument over a tear in Dr Lee's 'gimp' mask, since then they have rarely seen 'eye to eye' on the correct interpretaion of much hair loss data.


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That explains a lot.

The Gardener

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If you read Dr Lee's website carefully he states that he always slightly 'overfills' his bottles... and he says that his customers are getting many more benefits than that, whatever that means.

I'm disappointed that Dr Lee is gay. Given the amount of money I've given him, he should be letting me sleep with his wife.


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Dr Lee just wants to take credit from products that compete with his products .His statement about 15% minoxidil being hard to accomplish and he found a way is hog wash .I found that out personally by disolving to much min powder .


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I'm not trying to put down Dr. Lee, but I really can't figure out why he would say basically that Cu peptides are useless. I guess maybe he should read up on the research before making comments like those. However, I did not argue with him on the matter. Maybe he knows nothing of Cu peptides and therefore feels he can make a comment like that. Of course if Lee has something againist Pickart because of a broken relationship or poor a*** sex then it also makes sense. :shock:


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hey guys....what is the brand name of that skin cream that contains copper peptides. I remember someone mentioning it but i forget the name of it. thanks... :lol:


jimmystanley said:
hey guys....what is the brand name of that skin cream that contains copper peptides. I remember someone mentioning it but i forget the name of it. thanks... :lol:

I use Nutrogena VISABLY YOUNG with copper peptides

Gay Dr Pickart licences the technology to Nutrogena, but I believe the level of copper peptides is very low.

It a top quality moisturiser and I occasionally rub it into my scalp, good stuff.