dr lauster promised website lauch.


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To all and hellouser . Where is the website that is supposed to launch about dr lauster and their technology state.?


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Even if Lauster creates human hair, wouldn't it be prohibitively expensive to get the procedure? To get around 50,000 hair follicles if you're NW7, you would need $250,000 at $5 a hair.

Why are people even paying attention to this? 99.9% will not be able to spend that amount of money on a full head of hair.


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are you pulling out that figure out of your a$$ or did you just vomit it while typing.


New Member
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Which figure? I pulled all of them out of my *** except the $5/hair one which is a conservative estimate based on hair transplant costs.

Of course you don't need 50,000 hairs. You can probably make do with 10,000. Still too expensive.


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That figure os funny man. Even replicels representative clearly stated that cell based injection cure will commercialize at a competitive prize in comparison to top art fue transplant. He then said that even like that they would outsell transplants and make tons of $, now a top art fue is like 20 000 so i guess this will be like 15 000 in the first years of release .that worths it guys.

uncomfortable man

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All that means nothing if the product never reaches the market.