Dr. Claire Higgins - 40min Video Presentation on the Follicle, Cells & Regeneration


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This is an EXCELLENT video that explains a whole SLEW of things about the hair follicle. I *highly* recommend watching this to anyone even remotely interested in about stem cells in regards to the hair follicle. If youre a newbie or even a veteran in the hair loss community, you should watch this as she explains everything nicely dumbed down for us plebs to understand :)

A few things that I immediately took notice:

1) At the 33:16 mark someone asks how the stem cells are inserted into the scalp in order to grow a hair. At which point she responds with people developing 'rollers with spikes on them'.. which sounds like a dermaroller, but it cant be as that would release the dermal papillas into the scalp. So it's probably some kind of injector.

2) 12:42 mark, at this point she talks about the hair follicle being able to REGENERATE! CONFIRMED!! But....... it regenerates but SMALLER, which means a smaller hair fibre, which would explain Dr. Gho's pathetic results where all the hair comes out so thin and whispy, but that's assuming he even cuts the follicle PROPERLY (afaik he cuts vertically) as Dr. Claire Higgins mentions (horizontally). So we can finally put regeneration to rest: it's a dead end UNLESS you apply some other agents to regenerate fully (fgf-9 or something else) but if you want that, then you'll need to once again go through the MISERABLE experience of getting FDA approvals for trials, wait 15 years for whatever reason and then release the treatment, assuming there even is a solution to that problem. So basically, REGENERATION IS A DEAD END, and Dr. Cole and Dr. Gho have both lied/exaggerated about their results.

Here's the video, ENJOY!

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I see that people make a hype about swissTemples regrowth.
But according to your post he will never be able to fully recover his hair follicles, just smaller.


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I see that people make a hype about swissTemples regrowth.
But according to your post he will never be able to fully recover his hair follicles, just smaller.

This has nothing to do with swisstemples approach. Watch the video again.


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I never knew the liver was able to regenerate, and now we know hair follicles can regenerate!
So derma papilla purpose is signaling the hair and related to hair phase. Without that, hair gets stuck in telogen, hair stops growing.. But then she mentioned how her research team sort of opened up the epidermis, inserted the dermal papillas, and unpigmented, small hair follicles were grown. It didnt seem to fully grow out the follicle. So there's more to this. She was talking about condensing, hair fibres, etc.
I'm a newbie, so I'm trying to learn more about this. This is a great first step, thanks for the video!


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Thanks for that video. It's a recommended watch.

And Dr. Gho is just a charlatan no way splitting a hair follicle vertically like he does is going to yield regeneration. Dr. Cole lying too saying that regeneration can take place while taking out FULL hair follicles lol. "Let's just extract a whole hair follicle put some Acell in place and regeneration takes place". Yeah sure LOL.


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Take It Parise

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Sorry if this is a stupid question, just trying to wrap my head around it, but is this at all related to derma-rolling? Or is that a completely different mechanism of action than follicle splitting? If it's similar, does that mean that derma-rolling over the entire scalp will make strong follicles come back weaker?


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Sorry if this is a stupid question, just trying to wrap my head around it, but is this at all related to derma-rolling? Or is that a completely different mechanism of action than follicle splitting? If it's similar, does that mean that derma-rolling over the entire scalp will make strong follicles come back weaker?

This has nothing to do with dermarolling. All further questions will only be answered to those that have watched the presentation.


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It's my understanding that Cole cuts horizontally (3mm) and leaves (tries) a portion of the bulb. He packs the extraction sites with Acell. He mentioned that the Acell leaks out. Not sure what to make of that. To my knowledge Acell is the closest thing we got to approved regenerative medicine.

Cole mentioned amniofix. Not sure if he is using that.

- - - Updated - - -

Do follicles in the safe zone have a longer growth phase than follicles on top of your head? She said eye brows have a shorter phase. Maybe why minoxidil works better in the crown? Just some thoughts