Dr. Armani or other Doctor's in the Bay Area


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Hey Guys,

Long time no chat.

Little backgroud: Been on propecia for almost 3 years now and have been able to slow things down. I think I'm wayyyy better off today then I was when I started Propecia and have had no side effects.


I'm now starting to see more diffusing up front and the hair is becoming more brittle which is making it hard to comb.

Any who, my job has been going really well and I'm financially ready to take the next step - hair transplant.

I have a few questions:

1) Can anyone recommend a good doctor in the Bay Area? San Francisco, San Jose etc...I'm going to be seeing doctor Al Lewis...anyone heard of him?

2) I'm very interested in having my procedure done with Doctor Armani, but don't want to travel tooo far. I know he has an office in the LA area. Does he perform transplants OUTSIDE his Canadian office?



I've never heard of him.

Trust me on this though. Armani is a top doctor, just like Hassan and Wong and other ones that people can list. Do not let the distance dissuade you from going to the best doctors possible. Do not scrimp on money and worry about travel expenses because you're going to have to live with this transplant for the rest of your life.


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Thanks JayMan!

I just got into contact with Doctor Armini.

Will keep you guys posted on the cost etc...

Hans Gruber

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yea i'll just back up what jayman says,you really should only go to the best ,and thats rahal,armani,hasson/wong and a few others...........this al lewis fella,well i dunno who he is

you got the money so get the best you can


Be careful in the Bay Area. meaning San Fran. :shock:

There's a couple of former MHR docs, Bradley Kurgis and Craig Ziering that IMO, you want to avoid like the plague.:freaked2: Ziering may be more focused on Southern Cal.


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Brasileirao said:
I have a few questions:

1) Can anyone recommend a good doctor in the Bay Area? San Francisco, San Jose etc...I'm going to be seeing doctor Al Lewis...anyone heard of him?

Wasn't he Grandpa on the Munsters? Didn't know he was doing hair transplants on the side, lol!


Take note that I no longer recommend Dr. Jim DeYarman and Dr. Paul McAndrews in Southern California.

I have been especially very disappointed in Dr. DeYarman and IMO, he no longer can be trusted. I also noticed he was recently dropped at the HTN as a recommended doctor. Something is going on with him. :roll:

IMO, any doctor who cannot or will not explain his behavior in light of pateint care is not to be trusted, EVER. My suspicions of him over the past several months IMO have proven true to me. :freaked:

I also discovered he has a newer employee in the front office who used to work with Dr. Puig, formerly with MHR! :freaked2: Those were her own words. Who knows, Maybe Carlos Puig is still with MHR.


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There are two in the SF area worth considering, if one does not want to travel. The two are Dr. Rosanelli and Dr. Panagotacos. I went to Dr. Rosanelli after consulting both of them. He seemed to be more attentive to my needs.


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Thanks for all the great feedback!

I'm going to take some of this data and run with it.

BTW - I will be flying to Canada this summer to visit with Mr. Armani.

I will keep everyone posted.
