Don't Trust Pictures So Much........


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I thought I let newbies know this and I'm sure existing hair system wearers know that pictures aren't the best way to gauge how good a system looks, in terms of realism. Many times when I've worn, my eyes do not deceive me (for some reason I can spot that it looks like a hair system), however, when I take a photograph it looks real. The flash tends to mask the difference in color between your real hair and the system's hair. Also, the flash masks the lace really well. Even without the flash the camera, just can't seem to pick up the difference between your real hair and the system..........

It's harder to fool the human eye, then it is to fool the camera..........


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The first poster is telling the truth. Camera's hide many flaws. They hide hair loss, hair grafts, and hair pieces. Even a mirror can hide stuff in the right lighting and angle. But when you walk around the office, people can see stuff you can't.

I'm not saying you can't trick people or look a lot better. I'm just saying it is not easy and you may think you look better than you actually do. If you do a hair piece, you really got to get it right. My hair grafts don't look natural either. Two doctors messed up the angles.

And dermatch looks good in some lighting, and is totally given away in other lighting.

My goal is to use my beard hair to hide my scar and blend my thin to thick areas better, and then I'll buzz it all down to 1/4 inch so it looks clean. I won't waste any more money on grafts until HM comes.

And I can't get any service from HP companies. They will not give out samples, so I don't know which lace to order.

I think the best way to look younger is to get botox. That stuff really works.


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Have to agree with the OP, even now I can set up some different lighting and take a range of photos which would show my hair with severe thinning /visible scalp or all the way to completely full, thick and lush.

I have to keep notes when I update my photo diary to ensure I use very similar lighting and exposure settings for each "reference" photo or the images are really a waste of time.


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So it is posible to make photo of yourself better then how you look. WOW relly grait discovery! Thank you so much for that . It is also posible to make photo worse than you look . WOW X2 .

Hair systems can work very well and if YOUR HSystem IS not too thick or Color is not way off 99% of people will not look you twice on street!!

I waisted at years of my life, being depresed ,lonely etc because of my hairloss , because i listened to those "antiwig" bullshit about how "that is not working""you will look funy trust me trust me" ETC
Well finaly i tried and it WORKS excelent it solved my Hairloss problem and now i am differen person and very Happy and i look Better 1001% and natural ofc.

I should do this at least 3 years ago and not believing to those antiwig ppl saying "not working, it looks ugly" etc. That is why i hate posters like that they lie people not to try that at all and people dont see any other solution and perhaps some of them want to make suicide because of it . Well there is solution to Hair loss , it has its cost but it is grait solution.

I want to say to those people who are young like me , 20 30 yrs , Learn about HairSytems (i learned for 3 months) using forums on internet (other than this one, with photos) learn learn learn and you will have solution. Thanx and sry for english it is not my domestic....


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Coa05 said:
So it is posible to make photo of yourself better then how you look. WOW relly grait discovery! Thank you so much for that . It is also posible to make photo worse than you look . WOW X2 .

Hair systems can work very well and if YOUR HSystem IS not too thick or Color is not way off 99% of people will not look you twice on street!!

I waisted at years of my life, being depresed ,lonely etc because of my hairloss , because i listened to those "antiwig" bullshit about how "that is not working""you will look funy trust me trust me" ETC
Well finaly i tried and it WORKS excelent it solved my Hairloss problem and now i am differen person and very Happy and i look Better 1001% and natural ofc.

I should do this at least 3 years ago and not believing to those antiwig ppl saying "not working, it looks ugly" etc. That is why i hate posters like that they lie people not to try that at all and people dont see any other solution and perhaps some of them want to make suicide because of it . Well there is solution to Hair loss , it has its cost but it is grait solution.

I want to say to those people who are young like me , 20 30 yrs , Learn about HairSytems (i learned for 3 months) using forums on internet (other than this one, with photos) learn learn learn and you will have solution. Thanx and sry for english it is not my domestic....


Ok, I've re-read your post a couple of times and I still don't get it.

I made a post about how it's possible to manipulate images so don't put too much faith in them, I didn't mention wigs.


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Dude I'm not anti wig anything. I'm telling the truth. What purpose would I get from lying anyways? Look I wear still, and you might be able to fool some people, but believe me, not everyone. I'm just letting the newbies know.....

Take a look at the attached pic.........looks real in the picture, right? But to be honest, I think this is one of the worst attachment jobs I've done yet it still looks good in the pic...........but if you saw it in person, you would know........believe me.........

Giveaway signs a person might be wearing:

1) Color - This one usually is the giveaway, and to be honest, it's not really the color but more the shine. Processed hair usually has this shine that cameras can't really pickup, but the human eye can. Even if your eyes are fooled up close, usually distance gives it away.

2) Density - Obviously too much is always a sign.

3) Hairs resting place. If the hair seems to be fixed all the time and not really movable in it's natural state (no gel, hairspray etc) this usually is a giveaway. And this is mainly how the hairs are ventilated.


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HairNoWigWearer said:
Dude I'm not anti wig anything. I'm telling the truth. What purpose would I get from lying anyways? Look I wear still, and you might be able to fool some people, but believe me, not everyone. I'm just letting the newbies know.....

Take a look at the attached pic.........looks real in the picture, right? But to be honest, I think this is one of the worst attachment jobs I've done yet it still looks good in the pic...........but if you saw it in person, you would know........believe me.........

Giveaway signs a person might be wearing:

1) Color - This one usually is the giveaway, and to be honest, it's not really the color but more the shine. Processed hair usually has this shine that cameras can't really pickup, but the human eye can. Even if your eyes are fooled up close, usually distance gives it away.

2) Density - Obviously too much is always a sign.

3) Hairs resting place. If the hair seems to be fixed all the time and not really movable in it's natural state (no gel, hairspray etc) this usually is a giveaway. And this is mainly how the hairs are ventilated.

1) Color - that's what styling products are for... they make processed hair look amazing.

2) Density - that's why you have to choose a density according to your age

3) Do you really think people will notice this? C'mon, only hair wearers will look for inspection to someone with great looking hair.


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Thanks HairNoWigWearer for giving out those tips.,you know what? you photo doesn't look natural to me ;)You need more work and practice.

Yes i do agree we shouldn't trust pictures so much ESPECIALLY those before and after photo by HP company..But that what we can see on internet.Just use HD camera.It look real and it do tell you the truth.


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Tedty said:
Thanks HairNoWigWearer for giving out those tips.,you know what? you photo doesn't look natural to me ;)You need more work and practice.

Yes i do agree we shouldn't trust pictures so much ESPECIALLY those before and after photo by HP company..But that what we can see on internet.Just use HD camera.It look real and it do tell you the truth.

Tell me what looks off in that picture then to you that doesn't make it look natural? That way I can't improve on it........Always good to get feedback.......

Thanks in advance.........