Don't Know Whats Happening, Hair Falling Out By Root


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Hi everyone,

I am 30 years old, Male- and for the past couple of days my hair has been falling out severely from the foot. I would just rub my head massive amounts of hair just fall off from the root [looks like I got a haircut]. Is this how balding works? Am I going bald or do you think its some sort of reaction? Early September I was really sick and had to take antibiotics, I heard that may cause losing hair. Also in June I went through a really dramatic experience. I don't think balding would have my hair falling out like this from the root excessively like this- but would be a more graduate/over time type of thing. I'm having bald/thinning spots on my hair due to this. My dermatologist friend recommended me to go on Propecia, as well as do Rogain treatments, as well as take Vitamin D, and melatonin. I am severely worried about taking Propecia. Here are some photos- if you can please let me know your thoughts I would greatly appreciate it. My father was bald by the time he was 20- my grandfather on my moms side had a full set of hair- my hair has always been thick. Image below is my hair now, and the sink is just from me rubbing my head over it.


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Yes, It does itch, not all the time- and I do have some dandruff when I scratch it.

Yeah I feel like you probably have diffuse patterned alopecia. I’m really sorry.

I would definitely try Propecia. I’ve been taking it for like two years and haven’t had any issues.


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Yeah I feel like you probably have diffuse patterned alopecia. I’m really sorry.

I would definitely try Propecia. I’ve been taking it for like two years and haven’t had any issues.
Does hair just fall out suddenly with diffuse patterned alopecia? Seriously- this just came out of no where- Can't find any article online worth reading with symptoms. Would hair grow back on its own?


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Does hair just fall out suddenly with diffuse patterned alopecia? Seriously- this just came out of no where- Can't find any article online worth reading with symptoms. Would hair grow back on its own?
Well I’m not an expert but from my experience yes - it can come on suddenly. Attacks of inflammation/itchiness that just come upon you. You may have been diffusing for awhile and not realized it. Diffuse hair loss can sneak up on you.


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Well I’m not an expert but from my experience yes - it can come on suddenly. Attacks of inflammation/itchiness that just come upon you. You may have been diffusing for awhile and not realized it. Diffuse hair loss can sneak up on you.
is diffuse patterned alopecia the same as Telogen effluvium?