does your girlfriend/wife/lover care about your hair loss?


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my girlfriend said she doesnt care about my hairloss at all, but i'm not sure if she really does not care or she is just reassuring me. what about your girl or wife's attitude towards your hairloss?


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I think the important thing is she won't leave you for your hair loss. She is with you probably because she is as attractive as you are. If you were to try to date a woman more attractive than her, then you'd better be self conscious. But as for your girlfriend, I'm sure shed prefer it if you looked like justin timberlake or vin disel, but she won't tell you that and she won't leave you for them because she can't get them. So relax. You don't need to be self conscious unless your hairloss gets a lot worse or she goes to the gym and you don't. But if you are on finasteride, your hairloss will probably not change that fast.

If you change for the worse, she might dump you for someone else, or she might just slack off on herself since she knows you won't leave her. If you hate topicals, pre-wash your hair with whatever shampoo, probably baby shampoo, and then use 1mL of nizoral after that every third day and 1mL of NANO every third day. Then use your finasteride or dutasteride, and take borage seed oil and fish oil and apple poly or curcumin or GSE. That should slow it down pretty good.


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Girls reaction

Interesting topic, I have a ex-girlfriend who completely does'nt care, she's crazy about me, even though I'm 28 and the top of my head's almost completely bald. I'm also dating an 18 year old, who doesn't seem to care either. Plus I know a pretty 22 year old who's been dating a completely bald 40 year old for two years. All her previous boyfriends were also balding. so Its really not the hair that counts!

Maybe to some women, but I probably would not want a girl anyway that judges so much on appearance.


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I'm sure that women can spot the early signs of hairloss so many of your wives and girlfreinds may have known all along that you were losing it. Since balding does'nt happen overnight, it takes years the relationship would have moved on from the initial first attraction based on looks.
Any guys out there who believe that they were dumped because their hairloss got too progressive?
Not that a woman would give that excuse unless she was a biatch.


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s.a.f said:
Any guys out there who believe that they were dumped because their hairloss got too progressive?
Not that a woman would give that excuse unless she was a biatch.

I agree she might not give that excuse, but I don't think it means she is a biatch if she does. The common excuse is, "I just want to date more people before I settle down."


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collegechemistrystudent said:
I think the important thing is she won't leave you for your hair loss. She is with you probably because she is as attractive as you are. ...

actually she is far more attractive than me. this is what worries me most....

:cry: anyways, i will go to the gym more often as she has been complaining about my newly developed beer belly for a while.... 8)


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templemonk said:
CCS, do you smoke crack??
:lol: yeah, she will eat lots of McDonalds and get fat because her boyfriend is losing her hair...:freaked:

OT: shhh... it's a secret to everybody

they do not know... at least i don't think, she will be a Dr next year so if she saw a finasteride / proscar bottle, i am sure she could figure it out


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No, she doesn't care. She's in love with my big sexy brain and my other equally impressive appendage. :evil:


docj077 said:
other equally impressive appendage

Yes thank god I have that to fall back on as well. If penises grew on heads and scalp hair grew in between our legs, maybe some people on here would be better off on the dating scene.
Maybe some of the Norwood 1s would only be 3 or 4 inches long.



collegechemistrystudent said:
s.a.f said:
Any guys out there who believe that they were dumped because their hairloss got too progressive?
Not that a woman would give that excuse unless she was a biatch.

I agree she might not give that excuse, but I don't think it means she is a biatch if she does. The common excuse is, "I just want to date more people before I settle down."

How do you know what the common excuse is?


CCS, I think most of your posts are complete bullshit you are making up on speculation. You think thats how the world works but it doesn't dude. I've seen super hot girls with really not so attractive guys, but the guys they are with are smart and headed in the right direction. Also, looks may be an initial spark, but as a relationship develops, its really not the top priority. You keep talking about attractiveness in terms of celebrities... dude they are marketed to be the most desirable ppl. I remember back in high school when all the girls were going crazy about Eminem and how cute he is... I mean if you think about it, if he wasn't a famous rapper he would probably be a fool just working at a fastfood place like your average white trash. Do you think they would still find him attractive? Your Norwood scale and numbers are weird dude.


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CCS - I fear that you're going to be that creepy dude on the block who mothers will tell their kids to stay away from...


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Re: .

septemberwind said:
actually she is far more attractive than me. this is what worries me most....

:cry: anyways, i will go to the gym more often as she has been complaining about my newly developed beer belly for a while.... 8)

treat 'em mean and keep 'em keen....doesn't matter about your looks....just keep it cool and do not pander to her nor to any woman for that matter.


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College, Is all your brilliant wizdom from real life experience or do you say what the voices in your head tell you to?