Does this SMP look good to you? (7 words)


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I see him on TV often. He seems to be doing everything normally and having a normal experience of life despite being bald. On the TV shows, he does not seem to be treated differently to the people with hair. But something always puts me off when I see that SMP. However, it could be because, like all of you, I'm a Norwood spotter. Maybe regular people without knowledge of hair loss think that it looks perfectly normal. Anyway, what do you think? Does the SMP look ok? And could we be overlooking a straightforward hair loss treatment in SMP?


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I think people shun SMP too much. That “shadow” frames the face and it separates someone from being shaved by choice to someone balding. People think hair stubble needs a 3D effect but if you’re cutting it to the skin that’s not exactly obvious. as long as your back and sides are shorter it works well.

It’s not what you aim for when you start treating your hair loss, but it’s definitely something you should do if you have a poor donor and treatments aren’t working on you.

Full Hair regained with treatment > hair transplant > SMP > Hair system > Being ravaged by the Norwood reaper


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SMP is even more of a prison that anything else. I have this guy at work who is a NW7 and even thinning in his donor. He is late 30s, young, fit, otherwise happy for sure with a wife and kid. Sometimes he lets his hair grow for weeks and then has it shaved again. To be honest? Not the worst look. Now imagine this down to earth guy getting SMP. He would have to shave his head all the freaking time to keep the illusion going. Shaving your head is always somewhat of a hassle, which the "just shave it bro" crowd often downplays. Concerning keepup, taking a pill each day really is ironically the least amount of work you can do with the most effective outcome.


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SMP is even more of a prison that anything else. I have this guy at work who is a NW7 and even thinning in his donor. He is late 30s, young, fit, otherwise happy for sure with a wife and kid. Sometimes he lets his hair grow for weeks and then has it shaved again. To be honest? Not the worst look. Now imagine this down to earth guy getting SMP. He would have to shave his head all the freaking time to keep the illusion going. Shaving your head is always somewhat of a hassle, which the "just shave it bro" crowd often downplays. Concerning keepup, taking a pill each day really is ironically the least amount of work you can do with the most effective outcome.

I always say finasteride (if you have no side effects) and transplants are the best options available to keep a normal life

Can't imagine shaving every couple days or applying concealers all the time and dermarolling while applying minoxidil + Retin A