Does Propecia work for life if it works


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I've thought about swithicng to Dutasteride but I'm wary as it's much stronger than finasteride, ie greater risk of side effects.

has there been a proper Dutasteride study like the finasteride 10-year study?

The only study on the effect of dutasteride that I am aware of is called "The importance of dual 5a-reductase inhibition in the treatment of male pattern hair loss: Results of a randomized placebo-controlled study of dutasteride versus finasteride". But it lasted only 6 months (24 weeks). Basically, 0.1 mg dutasteride/day is equal to 5 mg finasteride/day. I think that you could add a small amount of dutasteride to your normal finasteride regimen. There was a recent case study, when the addition of 0.5 mg dutasteride/WEEK to 1 mg finasteride/day led to a dramatic increase of hair density in a man, who had been losing hair on finasteride solo.


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I feel like a lot of people are looking at this problem the wrong way. We are in the year of 2014. Consider for a moment, it took millenia for the population of the Earth to reach 3 billion... then only 40 years for that number to double.

Look at the acceleration of medical research. Some medical professionals are even beginning to make bold claims that they'll be able to cure cancer in 10 years. They are developing personalized models and profiles, which can be used to synthesize drugs specific to an individual's condition.The implications of this are obvious, given the broad range of responses to medications.

Do you need to hold out for a lifetime on finasteride? In the modern day, probably not. Things are progressing exponentially. I'd like to be an optimist and think that the methods will not remain static, and only improve as time goes on.


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Propecia does work out for a very long time. The stuff works well. It really hits the underlying mechanism of balding. However we do not truly know the super long term consequences of blocking 70% of DHT effects. I definitely would not want to be on Dutasteride as a young man for a long time.


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Last activity 2014 unfortunately.

It is great with members actually peddling facts. Its amazing the amount of bf posted here.


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Propecia does work out for a very long time. The stuff works well. It really hits the underlying mechanism of balding. However we do not truly know the super long term consequences of blocking 70% of DHT effects. I definitely would not want to be on Dutasteride as a young man for a long time.

dutasteride was approved in 2008 maybe for BPH, and finasteride has been around like 15-20 years at this point? Maybe not super long term, but that is still a pretty long ways out of people on these drugs. No one starting these anytime recently will ever be on these more then 10+ years anyway


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Why do you say that? Because something better will come along?

Yeah. Too much stuff in the pipeline to really doubt any of them not making it. Anything is possible, but seems likely something new in the next 5-10 this time


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Yes lol there will be riots if, by the time the majority of the current generation start balding, there is still no cure. We are far too superficial to put up with male pattern baldness.


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I dont think a cure just better ways of prevention or another rogain type of thing. Certainly not reversal of male pattern baldness from Norwood 7 to Norwood 1. We might all be dead by the time that happens. If you have hair you definitely want to use all existing methods to try keeping it verses hoping for the moon shot miracle cure which might not ever come


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The only study on the effect of dutasteride that I am aware of is called "The importance of dual 5a-reductase inhibition in the treatment of male pattern hair loss: Results of a randomized placebo-controlled study of dutasteride versus finasteride". But it lasted only 6 months (24 weeks). Basically, 0.1 mg dutasteride/day is equal to 5 mg finasteride/day. I think that you could add a small amount of dutasteride to your normal finasteride regimen. There was a recent case study, when the addition of 0.5 mg dutasteride/WEEK to 1 mg finasteride/day led to a dramatic increase of hair density in a man, who had been losing hair on finasteride solo.

Does anybody have this study by chance?


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In my experience, it did not work for me. I've been on it since july 2014, and it only slowly slowed down my hairloss. I decided to get on it when my temples started to go; but then my front slowly started to go a year later despite being on a 1mg regimen ED. I use to regret not getting on finasteride years earlier, but I think that it would all of come to the same result in the end, just biding me a year or two.

i am experimenting with topical finasteride now. we will see if this makes a difference or not, but at this point. i am getting tired of all these topicals, and ingesting finasteride, and the side effects etc. slowly embracing just shaving it all off, getting on with my life and getting off these forums.


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finasteride is a miracle,by far the best discovery in hair loss ever,but it loses effectiveness,i have been on it for 10 years now ,on and off,but usually when it reaches to the third year it loses its effectiveness and i have to stop it for a while,i wish it could work for life noun stop ,but it cant,its supposed to just slow down the process not stop it completely.


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it worked pretty well for me during around 15yrs.. I basically thought it was not doing anything for me, and I was taking it for so long.. Decided to stop.. Lost A LOT of hair - even though I still have hair all over my head (with receding temples now). I lost the volume.. Is kinda thin all over.. :-(


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I've been on finasteride and minoxidil for about 5 years consistently and on before that for about 3 years. I haven't noticed any decrease in hair has stayed the same (and has actually gotten better), and I'm almost 40. Obviously, everyone reacts differently and has differing levels of male pattern baldness aggressiveness, but I would've noticed my hair getting worse by now if finasteride lost its effectiveness over time.


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I've been on finasteride and minoxidil for about 5 years consistently and on before that for about 3 years. I haven't noticed any decrease in hair has stayed the same (and has actually gotten better), and I'm almost 40. Obviously, everyone reacts differently and has differing levels of male pattern baldness aggressiveness, but I would've noticed my hair getting worse by now if finasteride lost its effectiveness over time.
You are lucky then,finasteride does not work for life for everybody,i wish there was another replacement for it to swith to when off finasteride but there is not,i was so looking forward to try setipiprant but i dont think anybody has got result from it


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It will likely not last for life. Depending on how aggressive your male pattern baldness is, your hair folicles will continue to become more sensitive to DHT. Since finasteride only inhibits 65% of DHT, the remaining 35% may be enough to cause further hair loss. This may be remedied by switching to Dutasteride, which inhibits 95%. As long as you catch your hair loss long enough, going on finasteride then dutasteride when needed would likely save your hair for life, if not for a few decades.
Does that mean your only option after finasteride loses effects is poisoning your own body by switching to dutasteride? It's horrible!:(

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finasteride is a miracle,by far the best discovery in hair loss ever,but it loses effectiveness,i have been on it for 10 years now ,on and off,but usually when it reaches to the third year it loses its effectiveness and i have to stop it for a while,i wish it could work for life noun stop ,but it cant,its supposed to just slow down the process not stop it completely.
Why do you stop for a while every 3 years Ashkan? Is it because it kind of "reboot" the drug's effectiveness?


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I was watching a Spencer Kobren podcast recently, he was talking to another guy, both had been on propecia for 20+ years, both stated that it didn't completely stop their hairloss, rather it initially regrew some, then they started to lose again, but very, very slowly to the point that it's not super noticable.


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Does that mean your only option after finasteride loses effects is poisoning your own body by switching to dutasteride? It's horrible!:(

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Why do you stop for a while every 3 years Ashkan? Is it because it kind of "reboot" the drug's effectiveness?
Basically your body gets used to the any drug ,finasteride is not an exception,by stoping it my body goes to normal and then i can start again,i sometimes make it eod for a while as well and lower the dose and then go back to ed ,not every body is like me though,