Does Propecia stunt facial hair development?


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I'm considering going on propecia after experiencing a lot of miniaturization in my hairline and thinning at the front. First I'm going to see a doctor or dermatologist to see if it isn't stress related because the last 3 months have been an unprecedented cocktail of depression and panic attacks and I hadn't noticed any miniaturization before then. However I have read that DHT is responsible for hair loss AND facial hair growth I was wondering if it has any real effect on developing a beard? At the moment I have extremely thick adult facial hair in the stache and chin area but am totally baby faced elsewhere. I am 20 but my father didn't get much facial hair until his mid 20's and he has a really thick beard so I'm not worried. What I am worried about is missing out on a beard. I suppose one can't have his cake and eat it but I'm sure there are plenty here who started propecia at a young age so it would be nice if you shared your facial hair development as well.

On a side note, I'm sure it's not this simple and that this is bad science but would a natural lack of facial hair suggest lower levels of DHT and thus the absence of male pattern baldness?

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Hi. I'm also having problems with facial hair development.

I first took finasteride when I was about to turn 18. At that time, beard was filling in quite fast. 2 and a half years later I decided to resume the drug's use (ED, sexual issues), it's been 5 months since then. The frontal area of my face remains quite patchy and almost hairless (only sideburns grows thick). I know it isn't genetics, every man - and I mean ALL of them - on both sides of my family can grow full, decent beards.

It's a tricky situation. Many factors come into play: testosterone (including its free form) levels, dht levels, distribution of androgen receptors, or it might just be AGE (I hope so, I'm only 20 btw).

I know I won't go back to this drug, physical and psychological effects were heavy and the last thing I wish it's bearing them again. All we can do now is: research, research, research and wait. Good diet, healthy lifestyle and a doctor's advice is always nice, though.