Does Not Know if Rogaine Foam is working on the Crown area??


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I have tried Rogaine for about a year,then I have been trying the Rogaine Foam for about another 4 months.Just bought a mirror and was shocked to see where my crown area is and its not all bald but its getting there.Very thining hair on the crown.When My hair was wet it looked bad,but once it dryed it was NOT as bad,but still not great.
Wondering whats the longest time it will take before you will notice?
I just turned 50 and my hair looks GREAT all over EXcept the crown area.
I am glad I am 6foot 3inchs so not many will see lol....
I have been taking Blood Presure Medacine and Lipitor for years and wondering if that might have something to do with my hair lost....
I have a older brother 55 and a younger brother thats 48 and they have all their hair..........
Just wondering do I still use Rogaine or should I try something else,I hope I am not loseing anything more with the Rogaine....


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Stick with the rogaine I have been on Rogiane foam since this past Decemeber. I have Frontal thinning too and it has worked pretty good on my hair line & I only put it on my hair line. My results so far are tiny little hairs on my hair line some dark some peach fuzz. I hope and think that it will take a few months for them to turn into real hairs. I am still happy with the peach fuzz because it conseals my receding hair line at the temples.


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I used Rogaine Liquid for about a year(11months}
Then I tried the Rograne Foam 5 months ago and I am on my 6th foam bottle....Just ordered 6 more foam bottles for $70 off of Ebay...
I feel it cannot hurt and its very hard to see if its working....
Now I put more on my fingers and rub it into my crown area for 30 seconds twice a day..
I still look like I have lots of hair and I do since I am 6ft3in and only the crrown area is getting very thin and most girls cannot see that high lol.....
Thank goddddddd we have Rogaine...JT