Does non-responder shed?


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Initial shedding is a sign that the body is reacting to the treatment, whether it rogaine, or propecia.

Question is does non responder to these treatments shed or shed as much as a responder do? It may sound stupid but is the amount of hair shed a good indication of how well we are responding?


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I actually think it is a great question. I would hope that only responders shed, because if non-responders also shed as much but didn't see the eventual re-growth, that would be a bummer because it meant you weren't sure the money you were spending was worth it until you had a big ol' Rogaine-induced fro.

From what I see on these boards, there are folks who have shed like crazy on treatments but have not recovered YET....while almost every success story features a shed (sometimes a massive one) at some point.

BUMP this, let's see if we can get an answer from the pros.


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i am not a pro. I am experiencing shedding and regrow.


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I shed about 100 hairs which comprises 80% miniturize hair on average daily.

For someone who is experiencing thinning hair, 100 strands is quite a lot. I am just not sure if this is a result of fincar.