Does My Hair Look Like It's Thinning Or Balding?


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I'm wondering if I'm starting to bald or if I'm just overreacting. I'm not too sure and I wanted to get a couple of people's opinion. I've posted some pictures.

Thank you for your expertise and have a nice day!


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This is already quite serious, male pattern baldness, diffuse thinning. I would recommend you go to see a hair specialist or at least a doctor as soon as possible and get prescribed finasteride. You can also buy minoxidil from the shops but you should use both.

I assume you are Asian, I have the same hair type as you, my hair loss was very aggressive and it I waited too long before starting treatment, the earlier you start the more you will have to save.


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This is already quite serious, male pattern baldness, diffuse thinning. I would recommend you go to see a hair specialist or at least a doctor as soon as possible and get prescribed finasteride. You can also buy minoxidil from the shops but you should use both.

I assume you are Asian, I have the same hair type as you, my hair loss was very aggressive and it I waited too long before starting treatment, the earlier you start the more you will have to save.

Yes I am Asian. Oh wow I didn't think it was that serious. I've noticed some changes around last year but I thought it was just normal for hair to thin as you get older. I got a bit worried when I started seeing my scalp a little bit more than usual that's why I decided to get some opinion from others.


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How old are you?

In my experience, I have had severe hair loss since I was about 19. I only started seriously treating it at 20.5 and by then it was already too late, I am 23 now and have got really thin hair, I am stabilised but really, my hair is still too thin for me to be completely confident. Whereas, I told my younger brother to start treatment asap, he started losing at 19 years old and I basically forced him onto treatment at 20 years old, because he didnt wait as long he managed to save a lot of hair compared to me.

I think that if you get on finasteride asap, you could save what you have and regain some.


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I am 26 years old. I probably noticed my hair started to thin out a little when I was 25. Finasteride is something that I can only get from prescriptions correct? I can probably schedule an appointment soon. Should I go to my local store and get some rogaine ASAP?


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Ok, well as a general rule of thumb, you will have started losing hair a long time before you notice it, only because you notice it doesn't mean it didn't start happening earlier.

To be honest, if I look back at my own pictures I definitely started thinning at 18, I imagine your hair loss will have started a lot earlier than 25.

Yes, pretty much, the liquid is better then the foam (in my opinion but judge for yourself), both versions have pros and cons, the liquid can be very harsh on the scalp.


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Definitely thinning aka balding..on the crown and hairline... Typical male pattern baldness...jump on meds asap or reserve ur space in the norwood cemetary


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If you look at the photo from above that little island of hair is starting to form. You've probably already lost 70% of your original hair density.

The problem with diffuse thinning is that one minute you think you are okay and then you catch a reflection of yourself in a bright public area and you come to the realization that you're nearly bald. At least with temple recession you can actively see your hair going to sh*t.

You need to get on finasteride (ideally big 3) as soon as possible. As a young diffuse thinner you may get some of your hair back.


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If you look at the photo from above that little island of hair is starting to form. You've probably already lost 70% of your original hair density.

Pretty much this, same thing happened to me and it was already too late when I realised i had lost so much hair. This is particularly true in Asian people because we already have less original density then Caucasians.


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The thing is, you got asian hair which always looks thin and very its hard to say. But I would say there is some thinning going on.


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Thank you everyone for all your replies. I do appreciate it. I will get medical attention soon.

I do have a couple of questions. So my family from both sides have no history of balding whatsoever. What could cause my diffuse thinning and male pattern baldness?


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This is an area that there is alot of unknown answers about, people always say in genetics that 'both sides of my family have no history of balding', in 99.9% of the cases of people saying it, its probably false.

How far down the family tree have you ever met? or have pictures of? 3-4-5 generations? that'd take you to the 19th century, thats still not really your family history, its only the beginning. I'll explain this in a basic way. Genes can be recessive, the expression of a gene for hair loss might not be dominant meaning that it takes a certain combination to 'become' dominant. Even if your family have rarely shown signs of hair loss, it can still mean they are a carrier for this disease, we can relate this to different diseases like psychological diseases like parkinson's, huntington's etc.

Basically, what i'm trying to say is the genes for hair loss are carried throughout generations, only because your immediate family doesnt have hair loss doesnt mean that your family don't have hair loss.