Does minoxidil without PPG work just as well?


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Hi Guys,

I was using Dr Lees Xandrox 5% PPG for 2 years but recently after I started finasteride I had a terrible case of dandruff and the regular Xandrox really started irritating my scalp. So I went to Non-PPG Xandrox that uses glycerine. Although this formula is super greasy it doesn't hurt or itch my scalp much. My question is: is PPG based minoxidil more effective versus glycerine based minoxidil? Does PPG lead to more minoxidil being absorbed into the scalp?



Senior Member
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I've never used the non-ppg stuff but I think his is just as good. Why don't you give the foam a whirl? Contains no ppg, as far as I know, drys in minutes, non-greasy, leaves your hair looking nice, etc..etc..