Does hair really matter in the end?


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I'm not a woman, but I am a bisexual man, so physical attractiveness in other men is still important to me. I know that most of the regs here are firmly heterosexual males, and there's not many women in the men's section here, so I wanted to give my take on this.

I'm looking at the before and after photos here. And you know what? It doesn't matter to me in the least. The guys that were creepy-looking before are still just as creepy-looking with hair. The guys that were good looking after were still just as good looking before their hair transplant. I honestly cannot find a single person on this list that I would do with hair that I would say 'no thanks' to without hair. A common comment on this board is people fearing that hair loss drops them "points" on the attractiveness continuum, but that just doesn't ring true to me here.

In fact, NQ's after photo looks WORSE. The hair doesn't change anything. Before, he looks friendly, approachable. After, that serial killer stare just frightens the f*** out of me.

And a lot of the guys that get hair transplants here just end up looking like used car salesmen. They go from combovers to slightly thicker combovers (look at LF).

And I'm a guy, we're supposed to be more picky about physical attractiveness than women!

I don't get it. I was thinking about an hair transplant if my hair gets much worse in my 30s (I'm 27 and have almost imperceptible loss), but it just does not seem like it is worth it. At this point, it just seems meds, then cloning or bust for me.


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best thing that you can do :

using fina and minoxidil to slow or halt the process...

the combovers that you see are mostly people that do only a little procedure or dont have plenty donor on the back...
there are alot of people that look great after a hair transplant, but a big one, and also on meds...

best advice i can give is : do something when you see a sign that you can go bald, get light dose of fina every day , and your hair can stay the same....

i think most of the people that have an above of averange look , dont care about there hairloss sinds they keep the attraction with there aperance...
people like that dont go for hair transplants or things like that
or its a verry high complex (i want my hair back)


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WhatYouEgg said:
I'm looking at the before and after photos here. And you know what? It doesn't matter to me in the least.
Most of us dont really give a f*** what you think, or any other person really, its all about feeling good and comfortable inside you own skin, and i have no idea what your taling about?? Combeover > hair transplant???!?!?? :dunno: :dunno:

Personally i think everyone should dowhat makes them feel better, once you lose control over this then your get upset and can sink into depression... and i think that some men there look ALOT better after (AG/CF/GC/GO/IZ)


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Smooth said:
WhatYouEgg said:
I'm looking at the before and after photos here. And you know what? It doesn't matter to me in the least.
Most of us dont really give a f*ck what you think, or any other person really, its all about feeling good and comfortable inside you own skin, and i have no idea what your taling about?? Combeover > hair transplant???!?!?? :dunno: :dunno:

Easy, tiger.

You missed my point. A lot of these hair transplant patients had combovers before, and they STILL have obvious combovers, just thicker ones. I don't see how the surgery helped them.

Secondly, the point I was making is that if someone's ugly with hair, they're probably ugly without, and getting a hair transplant fixes the wrong problem.


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WhatYouEgg said:
Smooth said:
WhatYouEgg said:
I'm looking at the before and after photos here. And you know what? It doesn't matter to me in the least.
Most of us dont really give a f*ck what you think, or any other person really, its all about feeling good and comfortable inside you own skin, and i have no idea what your taling about?? Combeover > hair transplant???!?!?? :dunno: :dunno:
A lot of these hair transplant patients had combovers before, and they STILL have obvious combovers, just thicker ones. I don't see how the surgery helped them.

Secondly, the point I was making is that if someone's ugly with hair, they're probably ugly without, and getting a hair transplant fixes the wrong problem.

I dont see it either. To be honest. Everyone on that page either look like a serial killer or a pedofile. Look at patients DF, EJ, LK, LF, OH, RD and XK:s after pictures for example. Holy f***! Im seriously frightened here. And they think they will increase the attention from the opposite sex now? Jisses.

That is so true WhatYourEgg. Getting a hair transplant fixes the wrong problem if you already are ugly with hair. I fully agree with you. But on the other hand. Nobody get a hair transplant if they dont believe it will make them more handsome. But how come some people (the vast majority on the patient page) are satisfied with combovers. I will never understand these people. Oh god. Sucha waist of money.

For the ones who already were ugly with hair. I have this to say: look at yourself in the mirror and be self-critical for f*** sake! A new hairline wont fix the natural ugliness you have. Oh god it felt so good saying that.


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Hair is a sign of youth. When you start to lose it, you look older. Mostly everyone does not get overly excited if they start show signs of aging. I know I certainly don't. So if you are looking to hold on to a more "youthful" appearance, hair does matter. Most of the men in the "after" photos look more youthful than their "before". Its not really about how good looking they are or how ugly they are, its about who can hold on to their "youth" before they turn into looking like an "old man". So if you don't care about how you "look", then hair really does not matter. But in this forum, it DOES matter so thats why we all struggle to keep as much hair as we can.


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I don't know. Billy Corgan and Michael Stipe have shaved heads, and look decently youthful, despite being the same age as these poor fellows.

uncomfortable man

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Q: Does hair really matter in the end?
A: Is it the end that really matters, or is it the journey?

I don't care if your gay, straight, bi, transexual or transgendered...your a 27 year old guy with no visable signs of hairloss. The men you are insulting on that site are in their late forties, fifties on average so of course you aren't going to find them attractive anyway. That is not what this is about. Your just another NW1 who comes on here and tries to say "It's not that big a deal, it's only hair. It can't be that bad." but if you had the kind of fortune I had (nw5 @ your age) then you would most likely be upset by the fact that you no longer have that element that makes you look "normal" and "attractive" anymore and be just as depressed about it as I am, so don't pretend like it doesn't matter with this patronizing thread. Try asking that question as an NW5 you ignoramus.


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Think about it millions of people spend $1,000's in their lifetimes with gym memberships and diets ect just to be about 8-10lb lighter than they would normaly be, something that hardly anyone notices anyway when when they are fully clothed.
Human beings are vain and competitive creatures and so anything to get an avantage of even a small % and they'll do it.
At least hair is something thats on display the whole time.
And as Dr House said people dont want to see their youthful looks fading away in such an obvious fashion.


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Yes, it definitely matters.


This is a "famous" hair transplant patient with exceptional results, but it really highlights the difference between hair/no hair.

The before picture looks like a low level factory worker or even a criminal, while the after looks like a businessman or an actor (and don't say its because he's smiling or any BS like that). And the after picture, even after 10,000+ grafts is showing pretty thin hair (considering the amount of scalp that had to be covered). But it still makes a huge difference.

If you turned the "after" picture into a before and gave him Patrick Dempsey hair, he would look even better, just as Dempsey would look worse with the "after" hair.

Point is, hair makes a huge difference in a person's appearance.

uncomfortable man

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This is just a condescending thread. Just like how young people laugh off those who get face lifts or lyposuction as being vein or ridiculous. But it is the young ones who are being vein in their naive view that can't understand why people don't just retain their youthfull beauty naturally without having to resort to such measures. Because attractive or ugly, we all get old. If you can't understand why people have a hard time accepting that then you know little about human nature. But I doubt that is the case because you resort to finasteride and lazers to prevent any hairloss from happening to you so you must be avoiding for a reason. I hate you NW1s who come here to the impact section and try and convince us baldies that we don't have a right to be upset, while you keep popping those pills and rubbing in that minoxidil because you actually need your hair. Your a forked tounge hipocrite, gtfo.


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People saying hairloss isnt a big deal when they themselfs are using minoxidil, finas etc should use their words more wisely next time.


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Try as anyone might, i'll never be convinced that hair loss isn't a 'big deal'. I'm 21 and started losing hair around 18, it's the biggest issue of my life.