does Designer Protein cause hair loss


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I am going to start working out and noticed that Designer Protein looks the best brand to use as far as supplemtns go. Among the thingthat Designer Protein incs is growth substnaces such as TGF-beta whoch is meant to decrease hair in humans, is it NOT a good idea to take this supplement due to this..on the other side of the coin some of the growth factors it inc acutally promote hair increase. Can people with expirence in these areas plz give me some feedback, many thanks

Warren Buffett

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I've been taking designer whey for about 2 years now and i haven't been able to associate any hair loss with the product. My hairline hasn't changed. I just started taking Propecia in june to maintain hairline but designer whey had nothign to do with my decision nor did i feel it caused any hairloss. Dont' worry and dont' nitpick every scientific study. if you keep that up you will limit your life way too much. Take the protein and work your *** off at the gym and the benefits will FAR outweigh whatever problems that the scientific study may have found in some people.


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thanks for the reply, it makes scence what u said, thanks again.

PS how do u find the designer protien has it bulked u up? energy boosts? etc

Warren Buffett

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My problem has not been with the product but my motivation to suck down 1.5 to 2 times my bodyweight in order to put on Lean Body Mass. There have been 2 times where i have been able to do so. I did it for a month religiously 2 winters ago but i also used Biotest's Mag-10 Supplement which is a legal anabolic. With proper diet and eating 2.5 times my bodyweight in protein I put on 20 pounds (16 of LBM) in 2 weeks. When i went off the anabolic i dropped about 12 pounds leaving me with a net gain of 8 pounds 6 of which was LBM. I attribute this massive gain to taking the protein, eating 4000+ calories per day, as well as the anabolic. The second time was at the start of this summer where I was doing a cutting phase where i took biotest's MD6 which is an ephedra based fat loss product along with eating appx 1.5 times my bodyweight. I was actually able to add about 4 pounds while droping about 2% bodyfat. I take the protein every day twice a day but i think of that more as takign a multivitamin rather than using it as a muscle builder. In order for it to work you have to commit to eating 1.5-2 times your bodyweight in protein. Also i think other supplements help out a lot. I chose to use a certain brand because it seemed like the best, but you would probably get similar results from products you get at GNC.


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Just remember that NO protien shake will replace whole food. I am on the constant search for mass and have been very successful without the use of protien shakes. Currently I'm 6'2" and 230 pounds. What do youy think bodybuilders were drinking 30 years ago? Designer Whey?! Hardly. The amount of 1.5 grams-2.0 grams of protien is a little exaggerated because protien manufacturers want you to guzzle down enormous amounts of protien! They make a TON of money off your notion that shakes will make you huge.

The amount of protien you need is all relative to how much intensity you are using in your training. I know of guys that go to the gym, lift 20 pound dumbbells 6 times than go and do 4 reps of squats ( and dont even go all the way down) and than expect that a protien shake will make them huge! haha

If you want to gain wieght my friend, focus on eating a more reasonable amount of protien such as 2 garms per KILOGRAM of LEAN body weight. Remember we are not feeding FAT, we want to feed MUSCLE. EAt 15-20 times your weight in CALORIES and eat often! I eat every 2 hours on the dot and this keeps my body constantly in a high state of metabolism, which helps keep me lean. It's kinda simple, to gain weight one must eat LOTS and eat OFTEN! If you had any idea as to how much serious weightlifters eat, it would make you sick to your stomach! Of coarser these are guys that are on another level but the rule generally stays the same.

Remember you have to eat,eat,eat,eat and eat again if mass is your goal!
Your only as strong as your weakest link!

I realize this is a very short answer to a question that can be a little more complicated than what is explained. If you have any more questions about training or protien, etc, there are a few of us here that I am sure can help. Later.


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I agree with TEST. If you're trying to gain mass, I recommend eating all the greasy cheeseburgers and fast food items -- tons of protein, tons of fat, and tons of calories.

Then, trim down -- cut out all the fat and skimp on the calories.

It's really hard to lose fat and gain a lot of mass at the same time. At least, this is my experience.



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i take trac protein, it supposedly uses arginine and increases your nitrous oxide which is good, supposedly, for the hair

so they say

try that its about 40 bucks and it mixes great and tastes even better but dont mix it with any vit C because i guess the creatine isnt as effective

hope it helps


cosmo gene

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Designer protein and other whey proteins contain lactoferrin and lysozyme which are serious nutrients for our bodies. Designer protein is also less taxing on our enzyme and digestive thresholds. remember though, moderation is one of the keys to life.


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If you really wanna save some money for awsome protien than leave all that stuff you find on the shelf alone. Most of it filled with sugar first than some mixed form of protien that isnt as good as the real thing.

Try to find a wholesaler or a manufactuerer of whey protien. Ask for a huge bag of PURE WHEY PROTIEN ISOLATE. It only takes a tiny scoop of this pure whey to get 20 grams of protien. It'll be really expensive and taste like crap but its way (no pun intended) better than anything youll find in a store bucket in term of quality and price.

Most other shakes in the stores contain alot fillers and a mix of other cheaper protien sources (like egg) along with the whey because it saves the manufacturer coin.